
Normally I'd say it looks okay. Then I remember it's a Switch game, and it suddenly drops to below average.

It’s hard to not compare this to the Link’s Awakening remake, which executed upon the same idea—a modern twist on the original visual style—but better. Link’s Awakening was polished and looked (and sounded!) like a Switch game. This just looks cheap, like a mobile phone game. Please let the final build look better.

Well it’s not horribly disappointing like the Legends reveal, but definitely doesn’t feel like one of the most profitable franchises of all time is behind this.

It looks like the exact same, but in 3D and someone pushed the saturation bar waaaaaaay up.
It’s a complete missed opportunity in moving the 4th gen games into the 8th gen.

Some of it looks good (the battles) but somehow the overworld feels a little... cheap I want to say.

Shhhhh, you’re saying the quiet part loud! 

This. The extent to which American military dominance has been normalized among the American populace is terrifying. Hundreds of thousands of civilians may die, but hey...at least Trump’s not in power! 

When is going to be the time? It’s on solid political ground (polling at 60%). And $15 equates to a little over $30,000 a year, which is already dubious as a “livable” wage. Really, the time was 10 years ago.

As a person from a country currently under thread of US military meddling, it’s spooky seeing some of the comments in this article about *deaths* directly caused by the US military. If I or any of my family members/friends were to die as a result of an airstrike, there’s little reason to think the response from the

Yup. Obama loved drone bombing some kids. And spying on everyone. And setting up the concentration camps Trump went whole hog on.

Norms and traditions...restored.

I viewed it as oh good there’s that disappointment and anger I was expecting to feel. It was going okish and clearly not as badly as Trump’s insane antics. Things were slow going, but much less stressful. Not that this is stressing me out, I just hate it, but I expected it. 

There is a reason why Obama said that he was more concerned about looking forward and not back when it came to prosecuting George W. Bush for his war crimes — it is because he knew that he would also be liable for same if he went after Bush.

I am surprised that Biden took this long. He always has been a war hawk.

Remember, the reason that Obama chose Biden as VP was that he was a conservative Democrat old white man with war hawk tendencies. If anyone thought that Biden was going to end our involvement in conflicts and war were either uninformed or kidding themselves.

At this point, an American president commiting war crimes and/or crimes against humanity is as regular as the rain. Or a morning shit. 

The vast majority of Americans live in cities. Big cities. Every one of them is expensive, some more than others. NONE of them are cheap and $15hr really isn’t good enough as it is.

he’ll wait 2 years. and then it’ll be too late because republicans will have both houses of congress.

It’s clear that the Biden administration is going to try and wait this shit out. I guarantee you his plan is to “fix the economy” and that will be the solution for raising the minimum wage and the stimulus. He’ll argue that this will benefit people better in the log run than one time fixes. Businesses, now flush with