Kamai - Looming and Inevitable

As of right now it isn’t. As of right now its OcR and PsVr only. It’s the closest I’ve seen on VR to a killer app, and almost swayed me towards the Rift. But went with a vive myself. Since the only thing preventing it from being on the Vive is developing it to interface w/ it, and perhaps some confidential

(crowd lustily boos lack of effort)


Christians like to focus on other people’s sins rather than their own.

The game is supposed to take inspiration from Tom Clancy’s style of writing which by itself is very right-wing and likes to simplify. The solution in many of the books and movies is simply to make the bad guys stop existing by putting bullets in them. Add to this a layer of techno-thriller and government intrigue and

Making an assumption that SOME (the game never states ALL) convicts (regardless of what you think about incarceration rates, the number of innocent people wrongfully imprisoned) could form a roving gang of looters is pretty fair.

So, any deals on buying both of them, so that one could have TWO knives?

When reached for comment, the Capulets answered “How now! who calls?” but hung up right away.

The end is neigh.

I like target shooting. If the range in my town closes I’m not going to start doing it on a playing field instead. It sucks that you have to go further to get to a track now. That’s no excuse for street racing though.

-Antonin Scalia. June 25th, 2015

That’s nothing!

Montee Ball throws, like, a girl.

I love how a lot of people say that, but for me it is more nostalgia googles than the truth. In the past we had so many games, a lot even regarded classics that had such bad level design, that advancing sometimes was pure luck or a contrived unrealistic thing, not brains.

Plans are fragile things and life often dashes expectations to the ground.

So, it looks like we’ve finally discovered what it takes to get the police to prosecute someone for accidentally shooting a black man.

*furious applause*

Ironically, seven Silver bullets is what started this mess.

“Maybe, with what little power you have... You can SAVE something else.”