Kamai - Looming and Inevitable

Not to be outdone, Romeo Tweeted a response to Smith’s gun pic:

This is a complete outrage. I don’t know how we as Americans can stand for this.

the question I’ll be asking god at the pearly gates

Religious universities SHOULD be allowed to make hiring and enrollment choices based on their beliefs.

Michael Baron: “Do you think you can improve attendance next season?”

You’ve got a better chance of getting some speed with Latin and African-Americans.

It would be stupid to say that they should stop selling that because somebody’s whining but at the same time it shouldn’t be the ONLY Leia figure sold.

Hold up... I thought Lucas got bought out. She killed him? I mean, I didn’t like the prequels either, but that seems harsh, Carrie.

It's clearly a bicycle kick.

I’m just gonna stop you right there and say the Road Warrior is infinitely times more awesome than Fury Road. It shouldn’t even be a debate.

Le barque, le barque!

Dear video game developer,

Sorry Tim, I tried to read this review but all i kept hearing was WAH WAH WAHHH WAH WAH WAH WAH!

Of all the terrible people on twitter, even of all the famous terrible people on twitter, this is too benign for even mild jezebel outrage.

Heaven forbid a successful black man has opinions that don't fit your political and racial sensibilities.

Man, embrace Muscle Hamster. That’s the coolest nickname in the NFL. Dougernaut is what Rob Schneider would call him at the water cooler.

The scantily clad stuff is in the games in Japan because it makes them sell. The scantily clad stuff is removed for North America because it makes it not sell. It’s an economic decision, not a art/ethics decision; so it is not censorship, it’s just business.

Soooo he bought Franklin’s house from GTAV?

[takes Steve Smith out of fantasy football lineup]