Kamai - Looming and Inevitable

That’s great in theory, but in reality neither side has enough of a majority to beat the Democrats without the other. Splitting the party would essentially guarantee Democratic victories for years to come.

They do if they want to have any chance of having a political career in the GOP. If the voters express a mandate for Trump as the nominee (as they seem to be doing) they'll never forgive the GOP establishment if they cheat him out of the nomination. They'll lose the southern evangelical constituents in droves,

You'll be saying that right up until he wins the election.

Your moral argument goes right out the window when you're ruining someone else's fun with a product they paid for. That's not progress. That's just a person being an asshole. He's not doing this for "progress." He's doing it for his own fun at other people's expense, and then trying to justify it.

Because that’s not what those roads are for, and any adult dumb enough to drive like that on them isn’t smart enough to be trusted to know when it is or isn’t safe to do so. You’re the kind of person who gets people killed because you think you’re good enough that you couldn't possibly make a mistake. And that's why

That's a pretty pathetic justification for being a dumbass yourself. If I sound condescending it's because you deserve to be condescended to.

Because it’s a public road made for getting places, not playground for you to do whatever stupid shit you want to do. I don't trust someone dumb or irresponsible enough to use the road as their own personal playground to have the mental capacity to make sure the road is completely deserted. That includes you.

All of that is still incredibly, selfishly stupid.

Oh, boo hoo. If you’re so unable to control yourself that you absolutely have to drive like an ignorant asshole, then please surrender your license to the proper authorities, because you don't deserve it.

This looks just like the one in Orlando. I rode that one and it didn't seem any more vomit-inducing than any other theme park ride. I wonder what the difference is.

The answer is not to address him. Pretend he isn’t there and address the audience and the moderators directly. Don’t argue with him directly, simply answer the questions you’re asked and explain your policies to the people. Arguing with an idiot only brings you to their level. She’ll have to talk over him; not in

It's all the worse because it was Elvis's yips that just about single-handedly killed our playoff run last year, but he's still gonna get paid, and Desmond isn't.

Lol....that’s adorable. It’s like the internet version of “I know you are, but what am I?”

I imagine a lot of things hurt your brain. Such is the curse of the painfully naïve.

If that's not what you're talking about then....what the hell are you talking about?

1. Nothing in this article says Nintendo has made this guy take his videos down. That's pure speculation, and even if they did, that wouldn't prove that Nintendo wasn't complicit in the leak. The information is already out there. Taking the videos down now only makes that information more enticing, and it's already on

Apparently they invest money.

They gonna go after Milton next?

I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Nintendo was leaking this stuff themselves to get the hype started. Like I said, I might give a shit if I thought this would result in anything but positive publicity for them. That's why I don't see it as an ethical issue. So get you smug ass down off your high fucking horse.

If you say so. I can't convince myself to care much about the ethics of video game release dates. If I thought this would actually have any effect on Nintendo aside from priming the hype train, maybe I'd feel differently. As it is this is about as non-issue an issue as you could find.