Kamai - Looming and Inevitable

Only if you consider corporations to be people. Which I don't.

That's generally one of the major indicators to me that I am dreaming. I have trouble dialing a phone, writing something down, reading text, or reading an analog clock. When one of those happens, I know I'm in a dream.

Where exactly is the violation of ethics here?

Or it’s because they haven’t announced a price. (Hint: it’s because they haven’t announced a price).

You take yourself very seriously, don't you? You should stop letting your musical tastes define you and chill out a bit.

If you’re going to rip someone off, why in god’s name would you rip off Powerman 5000?

Some type of terrier. Probably a mix.

And it's my opinion that they're assholes, and I'll say it to whoever I want. Including you. Asshole.

I didn’t say the settlement system didn’t take lots of work. I said all that work resulted in a system that was no better than what you’d find in some small-time survival sim on Steam Greenlight. I said that because it’s absolutely true. They put a lot of work into making something that sucks. Anyway, you aren't

Fallout 4 was not an improvement over FO3 or FO:NV in any way except combat controls and some minor graphical upgrades. Pretty much every RPG element was dumbed down, they gave no “evil” options and practically no neutral ones, the Wasteland was boring in comparison to FO3, the writing was awful in comparison to

This is good Kinja.

Sure, if you want all your food to suck.

The better question is "Should you?"

That's not a high bar.

Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad.

I doubt that. I'm sure this is a legitimate Easter egg, I just think Bethesda's poor character modeling makes it difficult to recognize. An IMDB search shows that the voice actor for Deacon only played two characters (and one was a synth in the Institute) so if it's the same voice actor for all the characters above,

No, not really. That’s literally all there is for gameplay. The rest is wandering around an island contemplating the nature of knowledge. Which, okay, that’s fine, but for a lot of people that’s legitimately not worth $40. Those people aren't wrong, they simply value their experiences based on a different set of

While I tend to agree with you on The Witness (though I don’t actually care for the game), I think you'll find your opinion is far from universal. There are still a lot of people who do not believe the game justified its price, and some of them have perfectly valid reasons why.

Thanks for the update. We were all on the edge of our seats wondering what you thought of him.

Luckily I don’t consider "he's an asshole" to be a medical diagnosis.