Ka Mai uses a burner 'cause he hates social media

They fulfilled the necessary requirements to get from the beginning of the game to the end of the game without making any changes to the game’s code.

There are no heroes here.  Everyone involved is an idiot. 

I honestly didn’t even remember that Mass Effect: Andromeda had multiplayer.  

If Andromeda had been a live service games with a plan to nickel-and-dime people via microtransactions I bet they’d have put some more effort into saving it.  

The fact that this happens in lots of places is exactly the problem. And the fact that you are okay with it and you work in the industry makes you a part of that problem.

Kellog’s is also responsible for the myth that breakfast is somehow more important than other meals.  It was a marketing gimmick to sell corn flakes.

But those moments aren’t payoffs to the suspense built by not seeing it. There’s no climax or catharsis in finally seeing more of the shark. It goes right back under the fucking water.


Have you really never seen Jaws? Are you unaware that after the build-up they reveal the fucking shark to pay off on the suspense? They entire point of keeping the shark hidden is to pay off on the reveal. The Faro sequence forgot that very important part of the process.  

What a completely disingenuous, deliberate misstatement of my argument.  I don’t know why I even engaged with you.  It’s always so fucking tedious.  

“Rule #1 of storytelling: “Show, don’t tell.”does not work the way you think it does. You only need to show if its relevant to comprehend the story as a whole.

Sifu seems to be really polarizing.  The people who love it really love it, but the people who don’t really don’t.  Polygon left it off their “best of 2022 so far” list as well, and gave it a middling review.  

I did.  A blurry suggestion of a monster is not a monster. 

you could look at a tag like that and think to yourself “hmm, maybe I won’t enjoy this” rather than complaining when it doesn’t end up being something you enjoyed

I liked it much more than I liked either of the other sequels. It’s not for everyone, but it knows exactly what it’s doing, it’s not afraid to give a big middle finger to....well, basically everybody. I enjoyed it even when I knew I was one of the people it was making fun of, just for having the spine. 

You’re looking for io9.

It’s almost like it’s the most popular new release on the market.

Oh my god, you are tedious.  

Exactly this.

Because it’s a well-recognised and respected form of storytelling.