Ka Mai uses a burner 'cause he hates social media

How come Musk’s mouth is always shaped in a frown even when (especially when?) he is smiling?

No, but if you could have included 100-150 words in this one summing up the issue this succinctly, it would have made this one a better article.

They’re scrambling to fix the messaging, not the OGL.  

according to io9's sources at the company, and has caused upper management to scramble to adjust their messaging around the situation, leading to the delays in the OGL release.

Skull and Bones started life as a multiplayer-focused expansion for 2013’s excellent Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag.

Yeah, but I have to wonder if Sea of Thieves hasn’t already filled that niche. 

And what do you think Sony paid for? The devs of their “timed exclusive” to promote any platform other than Playstation during the exclusivity window?

Why?  Because I don’t expect answers about platform exclusivity from the people who don’t make those decisions?

Sure, but they aren’t going to have their devs out there saying “don’t bother buying a PS5, PC release is coming.”  The whole point of exclusives, timed or otherwise, is to sell consoles.

Because he was asked. Anyone expecting a developer hired to make a PS5 exclusive game to answer this question with anything resembling “PC version incoming, so don’t feel the need to buy a PS5" is living in a different universe.

This guy was hired to make a PS5 game.  He was not hired to make, nor comment on, decisions to port the game to other platforms.  

They’ll keep talking as long as you keep covering everything they say.

I look forward to the inevitable video of someone speed-running Elden Ring with one of these using only their tongue.

No, Golf Story was fun and charming from beginning to end.

Skip Bayless is the Piers Morgan of American sports. Just ignore him. He’s nothing but a cog in the outrage machine, designed to piss you off for the sake of “engagement.”

Wow, very timely.  Way to be right on top of things, guys.

Maybe they said “what happened?” and he answered “I tried to kill my family.”

Not really.  This seems like a classic case of having more irons in the fire than you can manage, and refocusing on doing fewer things well, rather than more things poorly.  

How about “if a goddamned defibrillator is deployed for any reason, the game is immediately canceled.”

You think PSN isn’t paying anything to give this away as part of their subscription service?