
What are you even talking about? Doctors don’t lose money over your prescriptions. I mean, I know you’re being facetious, but that’s not even a thing that anybody has said.

  • About $20k all in, including engagement ring/wedding bands, rehearsal dinner, ceremony, and reception (and all the attending accoutrements). The cost was shared between both sets of parents and us.

Quarantine is not a punishment. It's a public health initiative with a definitive start and end period. If she's upset that she was "barked" at by airport employees, fine. But it's just the height of selfishness to object to quarantine when she has been assisting in the treatment of Ebola patients. I can't think of a

Nobody is treating them like villains. They're treating them like people who have come into contact with Ebola. I'm sorry that her precious feelings are hurt because she is that special person who is certain that she doesn't have Ebola, but she does know that public health comes first right? And that's why we are

I wince every time a science article is published on Jezebel. Seriously, I have a hard enough time as a female scientist without the world thinking that this is how women interpret scientific papers.

I would hope that it's obvious that research using female subjects helps women. Does she really need to specify that? The NIH wants scientists to maximize the impact of every dollar spent, and projects/discoveries that have multiple applications and a wider impacted population tend to get more money. Framing research

It's the old "Do what I did so that my choices are validated!"

I also really hate that men are lauded when they say this kind of stuff, but the women who talk about this don't make headlines as often for advocating for women's rights. Or worse, we get eyerolls and snide comments.

Bonus: you can make your human feel guilty for leaving to go to work so he/she/they can earn money to provide you with food, shelter, treats, toys, and healthcare. God, I love my dog.

You brought up pause buttons, not me. Eh forget it, you're too stupid to understand just how awful you really are.

Yeah, you're right, she should totally pause what she's doing so she can service him. And who cares if she feels sexy and clean before sex, he has needs that must be attended to right now. Asshole.

Haha, aww, that's actually kind of sweet (only the part about your wife). Everybody has a different normal, and normal changes based on your life. When I was getting ready to take my medical boards, I was not raring to go. I was stressed, I was tired, and I always felt like crying. When my husband knew he was going to

Classy. I bet you have lots of long-term, stable relationships under your belt.

Well, if you read the thread, she called him and texted him and he never responded to her. So she did try to talk to him and he wasn't having any of it. It just boils down to respect, in general. A lot of women can relate to this. It's not infuriating to me that a guy wants to have sex more than he wants to watch TV;

Is there like a terrible handbook or something that men get these moves from? Because I have had that exact same conversation with my ex. And the conversation did not end with us having sex.

Look, if you don't understand how to ask a woman nicely and persuasively to have sex with you, I can't help you at this point. All I know is that my husband and I manage to have a healthy amount of sex while he respects me and my time and with neither of us being passive aggressive or pouting. I'm really sorry if that

Wrong. Do you guilt your SO into having sex like that? Because that's disgusting, just so you know.

Yes, especially since it's obvious that he tries while she's doing things. That makes me so angry. Whatever she's doing can wait, he wants to have sex like now! He probably starts bothering her in the middle of something she's doing, then pouts when she says she's busy right that minute, then the pouting puts her even

It seems that Callie didn't make the distinction between medical students and graduate students. Unless the student was MD/PhD, in which case I stand corrected.

There is a delay between time of infection and when there is enough viral load to test positive . It's called the "HIV window period." The blood can test negative but still harbor the virus. If a person receives a transfusion, they have to return for periodic HIV tests for months after to ensure that they didn't