
The U.S. lost its AAA credit rating that year due to political brinksmanship by the party that pretends to be concerned about the national debt when they’re out of power, making it more difficult for the nation to borrow money and precipitating what was then the largest drop in the stock market since 2008. Not nearly

And in the case of Too Hot to Handle and Love Island, no drama is lost by keeping the talent safe.

That’s exactly what he wants, though. His base doesn’t care about the words that come out of his mouth; they only loves that he fights with the media.

I remember when Bush was president, and the frustration I felt that someone so inarticulate was representing us to the world. Those truly were simpler times.

I’m really hoping that this demonstrates the fact that elections have consequences, because there are people mourning their loved ones right now because of Trump.

I will give money to any reporter that stands up during one of these and asks him what the fuck he is rambling about.

This is some Nazi concentration camp doctor shit right here. This fucker truly is insane. I get the whole “Birx and Fauci are walking a tightrope so they don’t get fired” thing but Birx needed to get up right then and say “Don’t listen to this gibberish. It will kill you faster than the virus.”

These nurses...now, I’m no medical expert, mind you...don’t we pretty much need them? Ya know, to care for sick people in hospitals? Seems like they’re more essential than say professional wrestlers.

Confused by which part? The nurse’s employer is using the CDC’s guidelines to justify the fact that it’s providing the bare minimum for PPE to its staff and the head of the NYU Med School is pointing out why the nurse has good reason to suspect that just following the CDC guidelines isn’t doing enough to keep

and even publishing a private letter she wrote to her father.

I mean, if people were considerate and responsible enough to follow the rules. then having beaches open wouldn’t be a problem. But most people aren’t. Heck, you can’t even go to the grocery store without people staying 6 feet apart.


Well, now is the best shot our generation* might ever get to meaningfully reorganize our labor system. I see things like the Amazon and Instacart strikes - and nurses who all call in “sick” one day because their hospitals won’t give them adequate PPE - and I’m encouraged. I’m also seeing Wall Street analysts**

Worth noting this included housework to show the value of this.


And imagine what would happen if, once corornavirus has finally disappeared, American women decided that they weren’t interested in volunteer work anymore, but instead insisted on being financially compensated for their labor!

Awhile back I read that in the 70s about 90% of Icelandic working women didnt go to work. For like a day or so. To illustrate how vital they are to the country. Afterwards the various things they were pushing for got implemented.

Women Are Keeping America Running... Again.

we should stop

Formally, “Preparatory,” as in designed to prepare kids for college. Informally, private school for children of the affluent.