
Before the Harvey Weinstein scandal broke, I’d have been far more skeptical of Feldman’s hacking claim. But considering that Weinstein hired actual former Mossad agents to befriend and manipulate Rose McGowan in an attempt to discredit her and protect his career, I can’t say I find it hard to believe that other

Where the fuck do you want this to go? Cool cool you don’t like the “old creepy Joe” narrative.- but seriously how do you think this will end? If you want the Trump “administration” to end, you have to take a candidate that might have a fucking chance.

I am a white college educated suburban-dwelling Minnesota woman who supported Klobuchar from the day she announced her candidacy. I have some thoughts on your article. First, it was not cold in Minnesota on Super Tuesday — it was 43. Practically balmy for winter here.

Not only that but there’s a lot less interest in the media covering these types of people- a polite middle of the road 40 something who has voted consistently for 20 years is just way less interesting a story than starry eyed idealist in her 20s talking about revolution or an 80 black woman providing her sage-like

It shouldn’t even be about who is deserving or not deserving when it comes to monetary policy and taxation. Whether Elon Musk is a “good” billionaire or someone like Donald Trump is a “bad” billionaire is entirely irrelevant. I don’t particularly feel the need to confiscate all the wealth of the rich, but it is

I love how these billionaire are all about making the world better with their money except when it comes to paying their fair share of taxes.

I’d say her remaining support is more practical. The core progressives bailed to Bernie months ago. Couple that with all the toxic shit thrown at her by Bernie supporters for having the nerve to run for President, and I’d guess 2/3 of her remaining base will go Biden. It’s what I’m doing.

I’ve been a firm Warren supporter pretty much since she announced. I’m ideologically progressive and voted for Bernie in ‘16. I’ll likely vote for him again when the NY primary rolls around.

I completely understand why she has dropped and I still broken. FUCK this country. This is the smartest, most competent, most capable and genuine candidate in the whole field but the ignorant voters want to keep the status quo and go with another goddamned old white guy. FUCK this country.

I mean, to be fair, I wouldn’t be shocked to learn that the two of them were diagnosed with the same personality disorder.

Never underestimate how much Americans HATE smart women.

There is no investment “some leftists” have, you disingenuous, ignorant troll. Venezuela is not socialist; Venezuela is a fascist, authoritarian regime who nationalized key industries for greed and power. It is much closer to the monarchical oil kleptocracies of the Middle East for the same reasons.

Watching this from Canada, I remain mystified at how Warren isn’t winning this thing in a walk. She has so much in common with Sanders as far as policy goes, that I would think she and Sanders would be more or less equally popular among people who want to see substantial structural change in your country. But she

Here's a thought experiment: let's apply Churchill's quote about Americans doing the right thing only after they exhausted all other choices to elections. I guess we're not bottomed out yet. 

I love Lizzy Warrren. She is smart, thoughtful, and passionate. The only reason she is not running away with this thing is that we —as a country— fucking suck at doing the right thing.

So, it’ll be just like every election before 2008?

Oh, God...this year’s presidential election is going to be a months-long argument between two out-of-touch old white men with checkered pasts and dementia, isn’t it?

I’m from the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party and you point out the problem with party politics. Democratic leadership is more open to a billionaire republican with a terrible record of human rights abuse than an independent Senator that has caucused successfully with the Democrats. The Democratic Party is more

I think the biggest problem with Bernie and to a lesser extent, Warren, is that they primarily appeal strongly to younger voters.

After starting out with so many exciting candidates, it’s really frustrating to end up back here with Biden. I’ll vote for him, but I truly don’t think he will inspire people to get to the polls the way Bernie would have. And Warren’s delegate count actually makes me furious... what are Americans thinking?