
All of this is true but there’s one section that seems to be notably missing which is how a large vocal contingent of the “progressive left” has spent the last four years with what seemed to be enjoyment grinding down any woman in politics who didn’t match their fictional idealised view of them.

Just imagine how quickly the cops would have acted if a woman had found out who was stalking her and shot him ..... 

This is basically kidnapping and is a war crime.

Plus this is literally what happened in Haiti ten years ago.

Wish they would expel him into the custody of the FBI.

I hope the Polish authorities lock him up. Sounds like child trafficking.

Poland needs to expel him immediately.


This is stomach turning. There is something deeply disturbing about adoption trends amongst evangelical conservatives on a good day, but add in children displaced by war and it’s too much to take. I’m so glad that alarm bells are going off in Poland and nobody trusts this guy. The goal should be reunification and

Never trust a Christian ‘savior’.

“One of the fundamental issues here is that Apple did not think of any of this when they were designing these tags.”

I fucking hate this goddamn country. I loathe the ineptitude and cowardice of the Democrats, but I guess I have to keep fucking voting for them. Fuck. Nothing matters. Nothing means anything. Why the fuck even bother?

I am the mother of a 17-month old as well and agree with your comment whole-heartedly. The hardest part of the pandemic for us has been the social isolation (which was critical around the time she was born), and now the extremely disruptive and frequent 10-day quarantines in lieu of a test-to-stay policy. I dread the

I understand the fear and I’m sorry you went through a horrible loss with your first pregnancy that naturally made you more risk averse.
But this is a personal essay, and when talking about the pandemic it’s important to separate the individual, emotional, the anecdotal, from the facts that we do know and the public

I believe this could also be reframed as “SJP Respecting Kim Cattrall’s Wishes.”

I shudder to think that THIS IS THE END GOAL of “Pro-Life” fascists. The messed up part is that there isn’t much actual public opposition to Roe vs Wade. It’s not a popular mandate so this is how the fascists are going to do it.

The Dems should simply call anyone in Congress who puts up a stink against any of these candidates a racist and a misogynist and let them defend themselves. Enough with the kid gloves, just call it like it is and let the chips fall where they may.  

I know there are more important considerations, but I just want one who will tell Kyrsten Sinema to fuck off during her confirmation questioning time. A girl can dream.

Their endorsement is usually considered a lot more than just a simple “gesture.” That said, if this doesn’t sway that stupid witch, very little else will. at the end of the day, politicians care about funding more than they care about the people’s will.

It’s time for them to admit that the pro-life movement is really just a fight to keep control over women.