I like Nancy Pelosi ripping up the speech; as others have noted, it’s a small gesture to keep the Democratic base reminded of how much of a shit 45* is.
I like Nancy Pelosi ripping up the speech; as others have noted, it’s a small gesture to keep the Democratic base reminded of how much of a shit 45* is.
Hilarious that he’s super willing to shake hands with Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin but Nancy Pelosi is a bridge too far. Such a good and strong president who’s not at all petty or childish.
A friend of a Facebook friend who is a Trumpette posted this nonsense:
i have never in my life wanted more to reach through my computer scream and grab a person by the throat and choke the life out of him. HOw dare he. How fucking dare he. He’s a fucking traitor and a rapist and a criminal and he’s up there giving fucking rush fucking limbaugh a god damned medal like it’s a special…
Healthcare as a universal right? You’d never see me live in a country that supported such evil socialism!
Fucking Pete. Buttigieg.
I felt VERY guilty when my first reaction to the news was a deep, self-satisfied cackle... On the other hand my mom said white privilege doesn’t exist because Rush Limbaugh said so, so.
My fave:
even if she did skip it for that reason, it seems fine. i’ve definitely skipped out on work meetings that have nothing to do with me.
I really don’t understand why there isn’t a national primary day for all 50 states. Make it the 1st Tuesday in March. Later states like mine (PA) don’t really count because by the time our primary rolls around, we’re not getting the full choice like some of these states get. Only Sanders or Biden by April? No fucking…
There are fewer caucuses this year than ever before, which is a positive step forward. I get that caucuses are probably much cheaper than an actual primary, but they’re an artifact of the early days of “democracy.” A century or two ago, they at least kind of made logistical sense. Today, it’s just another way of…
That’s a feature, not a bug.
Caucuses are terrible because, like the Internet, the loudest people get way too much attention.
Tits are more offensive than guns. Fuck this country.
Can I ask why this isn’t being covered as revenge porn (or the political/corporate version of such), as it would be if the stolen images were of a woman? Bezos is scum, but this is a fucked up sexual violation, and it’s disturbing that it’s not being reported that way.
“Unlike previous transitions, we will not be able to assume good faith cooperation on the part of the outgoing administration,” Warren wrote.”
“Not only am I smarter than you for reading all these big important-looking and intellectual books, I found away to deliberately push everyone’s buttons by tearing them in half in a performative manner, showing them off, and reveling in the negative attention in the hopes of parlaying this into social media fame! …
To all book murderers: GET A FUCKING KINDLE (or other e-reader). Most public libraries have digital editions (although let’s not get started on how publishers are throttling access) which means FREE and PORTABLE.
Harry’s last go around as a rich and royal dude