
What? Trump’s treatment of his staff and the resulting high turnover is clearly a liability for him personally (he can’t find presidential tier legal representation) and the nation (his national security and foreign policy agenda are being executed by a skeleton crew and it shows). How are they going to handwave that

But Obama was a pragmatic idealist. He ran a pretty moderate campaign. Progressives don’t like to remember it that way because they don’t like to acknowledge that they never really understood his appeal in the first place.

It’s pretty simple. Right now, the choice is Biden or Sanders. And given that choice, Biden is going to win going away. The only path to stopping him is getting somebody (preferably Warren) to say, “Look, I believe in big ideas. But I don’t believe we can accomplish them all over the next four or eight or 16 years.

Only one candidate can win the primary. And the whole point of an endorsement is to make a choice. This is not a choice. That Democrats are split as a party is not an excuse. Choose one of the two paths presented and justify it. The NYT editorial board obviously thinks it is influential enough to merit this

Senate Appropriations Chairman Richard Shelby, who said: “I wouldn’t think that a GAO opinion, per se, would change anything. But we’ll listen to it, we’ll look at it and we’ll evaluate it. I don’t think they should be deciding who broke the law.”

If the senate would do their job in good faith, it wouldn’t matter. All the house had to do was provide sufficient evidence of cimeiness. They delivered on that and then some.

The thing is, Trump and his goons were so blatant and obvious in their crimes that it does not require an in-depth investigation. The phone call speaks for itself. The Senate isn’t going to convict because it’s full of spineless sycophants. No amount of evidence will change that.

It’s like trying to find a cow flop on Bandini Mountain. The question is not whether there’s anything there; the question is how much of it you want to dig up before you run out of space in your poke.

And please give us a spinoff of the Spellman sisters!

As a fellow Warren supporter, this is the correct take. I don’t doubt that Bernie made remarks about the electability of a woman candidate, because he was probably saying what we’ve all thought in the wake of 2016: wait, is this country too sexist to elect a woman? I personally believe it isn’t, which is part of why I

Have to say that my first reaction is “Oh crap. This is just going to hand us Biden as a candidate.” Which I don’t want, partly because I perceive Biden as serving my interests least. If, after all, your entire campaign pitch is “let’s return to the normal Obama years!”, I am forced to remember that the “normal” Obama

Warren has been tagged a “liar” by the GOP for a while now. Any story on Fox is accompanied by dozens to hundreds of people calling her a liar.

I have a hard time understanding how people get paid millions of dollars in one year and it’s like, how will they survive without it? One year of that would cover me the rest of my life. F’in rich people. However will they survive if Charles cuts them off! Gonna have to tighten the belt on those private jet trips,

You’re right, the media is doing an excellent job of burying Brexit. I didn’t realize it’s only 2 weeks away. The Brits are so screwed.

I just wish the Bernie Army would whip it out and admit they won’t vote for anyone besides Bernie. All they do is speak in ventriloquist’s tense about how if we don’t nominate somebody who will excite the masses (guess who that would be?), “people” will not turn out in sufficient numbers for the Democrat to win.

The reponses each candidate should have made but didn’t:

I was able to read before I started school. According to my parents my teachers in Reception tried to slow me down to the level of the other kids in class because I was too far ahead.


Maybe it’s the state of the world today, but I’m delighted by the thought of a grouchy old librarian going all Gordon Ramsay on children’s books. “Charlotte’s Web? More like Charlotte’s Shit! Bunnicula? How about Bun-fuckula! Dr. Seuss? Don’t even get me started on that nonsensical mother fucker!”

It is unfortunate. It’s this attitude that has carried forward and is in no small part responsible for the number of adults I’ve encountered who “Don’t like to read.”