
I would very much like to applaud Gigi Hadid for not trying to escape jury duty; one of the most important privileges we hold as Americans. And I mean that. 

Imo, for Warren, politics is personal; informed by her life experiences; including losing her job for becoming pregnant. Being a single mother, etc..

I love everything about this comment right down to the Jason Mendoza.

I’d love to get back to the time where being educated or well-read can be seen as a positive thing again.

Well, strictly speaking, even though they are very similar, they are arch-typical of how liberals and, um, let’s say “other” leftists have fought an internecine war against each other since the 1960's, to the moderate Dem’s benefit.

My feeling is that if we’re choosing between two people with similar views and strengths, let’s get the one who is slightly younger, demonstrably healthier, and breaks a glass ceiling. And who has a demonstrated ability to learn and grow. This whole “Bernie was OG!” thing irritates me because he doesn’t really seem as

The line about being highly educated really ground my gears. Like having a good education/good job is a liability. Trump and his bastion of idiots are the anti-intellectuals. Don’t use their playbook. Why would you even entertain such a thing when it’s absolutely possible to have multiple degrees and still be less

Since when do “more affluent” people go for Warren? Aren’t they all having a nervous breakdown that she’s going to take away .000001% of their net worth for such follies as health care and disability access? And don’t she and Bernie pretty much agree on 95% of everything?

I wonder what would happen if everybody who gets upset over award show recognition decided to stop paying any attention to award shows. Genuinely, I wonder. That’s not an attempt at backhanded criticism. I get why, in industry terms, it at least theoretically matters who is nominated for these silly things (i.e.,

tights be warmer than they look, my man

It’s funny you mention it, because 1993 was exactly the one year that I took star wars REALLY seriously, because I got the VHS box set for Christmas that year and I was ten, which is an appropriate age to take it seriously.

Can I join? Force Awakens was just a rethread of A New Hope. I thought TLJ would be better as they had all the exposition done. But it was boring. It was just the ‘culture wars’ buttons it pushed that gave it any heat. I’d had zero expectations that this one would turn things around.

They goddamn better

Hot take: everyone has been taking Star Wars way way way way way more seriously than they should have been since about 1993 at least, if not earlier, and everyone should shut up about it for a few years.

To be fair, he called it Brain Dead because the leader of the most powerful country in NATO is in fact, brain dead.

It’s crazy how Mayor Pete for months was bragging about having worked there in every stump speech he gave before someone just a tiny bit more self-aware made it known that he should probably cut it out.

Lorgia’s the professor who had the racist note penned to her door a month ago. Not joking, she’s the same professor.

International consulting firm McKinsey helped ICE figure out how to imprison asylum-seekers on the cheap. Their suggestions included starvation, denial of medical care, and leaving detainees to fend for themselves—suggestions so inhumane and horrific even ICE workers didn’t want to implement them.

Jeremy Corbyn is a fuckwit and if he actually cared about Britain’s future, he would have put his ego aside and realised he’s not popular enough to beat the Tories’ fearmongering. He’s also a closet Brexit supporter which is why the party couldn’t take a clear position against brexit and the minute they announced

The older I get, the more I realize adulthood is just middle school with taxes.