
I found it curious how so many individuals interpreted that dinner scene with Porchey as Elizabeth implicitly talking about him, and not just a non-Queen life focused on All Things Horses (and, probably, Corgis). It was clear that the scene had the Porchey character reacting uncomfortably and surprised around that pote

That was really well said Persnickety. I feel I can now better articulate why I am for Warren over Bernie.

Honestly, it’s time. Elizabeth Warren needs her own in depth story. This is just the feminist blog to do so.

When Pete Buttigieg adopts consultant approved listening posture, what does he hear? 

I can’t imagine what this poor woman is going through. What an amoral piece of absolute shit we have in charge of this nation. Can he be sued for defamation?

Hey Twitter, that wasn’t so hard.

The Republicans in dark-blue seats are always the craziest ones.  Man, the things folks will do for clout.

I’m curious too. She’s from Somalia, not Iran, which not only don’t border, but aren’t even on the same continent. And I believe she fled from Somalia, which is a military dictatorship, so she probably doesn’t feel loyalty to its government, and Iran, somewhat like Somalia, is an authoritarian government, so she

Re: Trump’s Trip to the troops

This dumb motherfucker paid Trump a million dollars to get put in the national spotlight, and a finger on the monkey paw slowly curled.

Here's a four-letter-word and a three-letter-word: Fuck off

There is nothing he can say to me that would make me vote for him in the primaries, though, should he win, I’d walk across broken glass to vote for him.

Because white news reporters are literally color blind but have extra fine perception for beige scale.

Unintentional (completely intentional?) positive side effect of the new format - Ditching the Tweets also ditches the G/O Media-mandated ads between every one, so Barf Bag is no longer crashing from Herbaceous ad overload on my iPad (though it still mandates an ad every 2 paragraphs, so I still got 3 autoplay Dolly

Because the Republican party is now a party of absolutes. You’re either 100% on board the Trump train and willing to debase yourself in front of the national media and colleagues for the pleasure of the Maximum Leader, or you’re an apostate that must be destroyed.

Yeah, they won’t say it out loud, but the reason why the Republican base is so panicked by the thought of Democrats taking control is because the Republican Party is the party of white people. It’s not Medicare for All that panics them. It’s not “socialism” that puts them in a tizzy. It’s the thought of what might

In a recent profile written by former House Speaker Paul Ryan, whom Stefanik used to work for before she joined Congress...

What scares me most is that I think they’re right. 

The main problem with social justice is that the front liners are still fighting battles that were over thirty years ago. “We worked so hard for you to be able to have a career!” Yes, you did, and that was a real and hard-fought war, with real improvements in women’s lives. But there are different problems now and