
Fair take is a fair take. The central problem with Klobuchar isn’t inherently feminist or non-feminist, though it has deeply feminist implications.

Seems proportionate, given how severely he’s been punished for the times he’s actually endangered the lives of others...

So this woman got more time in jail for this “milkshaking” than he did for DUI?

I’d be very proud of her if she were my mom. Conversely, if I were her kids I’d start a milkshake stand in front of his sad, lonely bachelor pad to raise funds to vote him out, hoping he’d call the police on kids and then sit back and enjoy the optics.

BTW, can anyone find how many (cumulative) days Matt Gaetz has spent in jail for his DUIs/DWIs?

There’s a Go Fund Me link on the “press charges” link above, I just used it. This is ridiculous and he is a big vindictive baby.

How did she pass a background check?

it’s okay, only a small fraction of the Trump officials who engage in criminal misconduct spend any time in jail.

“Although it is unclear exactly what Chang is protesting, it might be safest to assume it is her apparent sworn enemy, the truth.”

I think that’s the picture she used on her fake Time Magazine cover.

I would love to have the massive self confidence that it takes to lie so blatantly and then be so completely unrepentant when caught. Or maybe it’s self delusion. Either way, I bet on a day to day basis she has less anxiety and depression than I do.

As progressives, we need big ideas with big solutions. Like abolishing the undemocratic institutions of the Electoral College and Senate.

Excellent. I love that she was celebrated (which she deserves) and when Kavanaugh made his first public speech, the amazing people at We Demand Justice looped her testimony on a giant screen outside where everyone attending had to see it, had women dressed as handmaiden’s where people had to walk past them to enter,

I got more faith in the muppets fixing up our clusterfucks than the actual humans in charge at the moment thanks #teamkermit

Jad explaining to his new friends that he didn’t have his favourite toy because he had to leave his home actually fucked me up.

And then he pulls out a dinglehoppers and proceeds to try combing his hair. Hilarity ensues.

He should have yelled his answer in Dothraki.

The fact that every last one of the pricks who are lining up to shit all over Yovanovitch and the other State Department witnesses here, most of whom have served tours in some very difficult, very dangerous places, were bleating endlessly about Benghazi and feigning outrage at the deaths of State Department personnel

The median lifetime earnings for an American is about $3 million, a billion dollars is 333x that.

I read a good book called Richistan (by Robert Frank) once about ten years ago, which documented the lives of the uber-rich and displayed pretty convincingly that once you get up to those rarified heights of obscenely wealthy, it’s all about competing with other billionaires. So, as sad as it may seem, these assholes