
Yup. That's the go-to moment for when I tapped out on Prometheus.

Is it in the movie proper? No? Than it may as well not exist.I criticize a movie on what it says, not what it wanted say.

If they had included that in the actual movie though, it would make much more sense. But many people didn't care enough beyond the stupidness of the scientists in the movie to actually buy or rent the Blu-ray or look up any other videos online.

Like a cartographer that doesn't get lost.

Also, one that doesn't try to pet the cobra shaped alien.

What the hell was he going on about with the dragons? How many movies with dragons are there nowadays? The Hobbit and. . .?

TBH, The whole time I was like I wish someone just wrote a series about the rise (and fall?) of the first black female president of the United States. I would rather watch that. Like when some crazy ass white man interrupts you during your speech, what is that moment afterward back stage?

This dress is bad. This dress and tights combo is also bad. Bad.

This is what happens when you feed owls spice, everyone!

*Theme from 2001 plays*

If he doesn't have an iris or lens, is that the likely result of an injury? Or was he born that way, and he's been getting along being blind since birth? Either way, I feel the need to wear a toga and sacrifice a bull to this dude. You literally cannot be more Greek-Mythic than a blind owl with the cosmos in your eyes.

Here ya go, little otter. This is how its done:

Do you watch The Blacklist? That's a weekly opportunity to listen to Spader exercise his vocal cords. He could read the phone book and I would be happy to listen.

Less reason to stress if you are in a frat. They store exams, notes and papers from all the classes so you don't have to work or study half as hard (gotta learn to cheat the system early so they can go on to create Ponzi schemes and such).

I'm a Hopkins alum, and I am so glad Hopkins is finally getting the negative press it deserves for its sexual assault policies. One year while I was there, they made a big deal about having 0 reported cases of sexual assault. The feminist group on campus launched an anonymous blog to see how legitimate this claim was

You know, it's amazing: I went to a top-tier, high-pressure college with no Greek life (school policy; it was banned) and yet somehow we managed to relax on weekends, spend time with our friends, socialize and preserve our mental health just fine.

There are worse things. I'm just going to leave this here...


I plan to tell my kids to stay at home and go to community college for the first two years. It saves money and prevents this kind of unsupervised free-for-all. At 20, then they are free to apply to a more prestigious school and take out whatever loans they need to pay for it. If it's an affordable, in-state school, my

You are right. This drug is not used frequently for rape, and certainly not among fraternities. They probably just wanted to party!