
So the tinfoil about A+J=T is true?

I got goosebumps when Lyanna rode in!

There’s a fan theory that says she will sit on the Iron Throne...would make her arc the most intense.



My mom was furious!

Everyone on this sub-thread is my soulmate.

Lord. Petyr. Baelish. All over the house, on every item of furniture, on every flat surface. For HOURS. I woke up feeling AMAZING. And then really weirded out.

game, set, match.

the whole movie was johnny depp’s weird inhuman makeup and contacts. movie should have been called Uncanny Valley.

Seems wasteful to not just give it all to charity.

OMG, I’m staying at a friend’s in the East Village and when she gave me the keys and told me I had to unlock an outer door and go through a courtyard to get to her building I thought of your story and thought, “WUT NO, it’s that place from the Jezebel scary story!” but I re-read this today, and there are no stairs in

Salt, too! Salt is always a good idea. Open bowls of salt, lines of salt. So good.

We should have Best Angel Stories for November 1st to save us from the terror we inflicted upon ourselves in the prior week!

oh god!

I clicked the star just for the opening sentence.

This is pretty common in my family. I’ve never had a someone-is-going-to-die dream, but I’ve gotten information I’d never have known otherwise from dreams. It doesn’t have to be all bad either. You can use it to be extra discerning about people you’re around, and to stay out of bad situations. There’s a story in these

Pretty sure “It’s not like we’re going to hurt you” is code for “We are going to hurt you.”