Noooooo! I have driven this route with my family...we have family in SLC and family in Burley....scary!
Noooooo! I have driven this route with my family...we have family in SLC and family in Burley....scary!
I’ve met a ghost kitty! They are so sweet! <3
UGH, NO! This is terrifying. I also used to have a fear of the night sky. It’s gone now, but I remember hating to be out in the open at night, and once I was driving in rural Virginia with one of my best friends and we saw a flash of white on the treeline far away. We both got real quiet, then I said, “Did you see…
I wonder why kids seem to see things more than adults...
Okay, after falling down a Reddit hole about scary things seen by Park Rangers in the woods, I’ve learned that foxes and cougars can sound like either a baby crying or a woman getting murdered, and coyotes can sound like people laughing at a party. I’m hoping what we heard was a fox and not a cougar.
I spent that last week going down the Reddit hole, reading ALL of these, ALL of the comments, ALL of /Missing411... only now coming up for air...
My friend T lived in a big house with a bunch of friends in college. The house was fine, but the basement had a padlock on it and they werent allowed to access it. Every now and then the landlord would stop by and go down and get something from the basement. One time he left the door unlocked and they peeked into the…
We learned on this trip that she would be a liability during the zombie apocalypse.
PS - see this creepy article about a “CryBaby Bridge” in Bowie, MD. NOPE NOPE NOPE:…
I enjoyed it a great deal, beyond the creepiness with the hillbillies!
I went through my emails, and here’s a link with info for the survivalist workshops:
Chilled. :)
Sorry. It is. :(
So precious! I’ll have to visit that place now!
I know, I’m THE WORST! When my boyfriend is trying to be protective of me after I’m totally almost schwasted from running 10+ miles and don’t have it in me to sprint to the car, I actually accepted his offer, nay COMMAND, that I get on the bike and go as fast as I can to the car! So crazy and mean. #badgirlfriend
So, when I was in middle school, my family lived in this small house in a small town in SW Washington state.
This is terrifying and I will never sleep or camp again