Kal L. al Ghul

That kiss was kind of pretty tame…by L-Word/Pretty-Little-Liars/Arrow-pretty-much-any-other-show-with-gay-content standards really. Still pretty awesome though. Don't know why they'd be freaking out.

Agreed. Taraji's arc from season 3 was awesome. She's on "Empire" so at least there's that.

After finally finishing my (very long) marathon of all 3 seasons, Shaw gets shot? First Carter, now Shaw? Why you be killing the women of color, show?

Did it over the holidays. Over 3 seasons' worth of episodes, I kid you not. It was worth it. Then Shaw got shot. And is possibly, maybe dead. Now upset. First Carter, now Shaw? Why you be killing all the women of color, show?

Sara would be all like, "That's cute."

I would so watch that. That's the Arrow I actually know, not this brood-y, angst-y guy we have right now.

Exactly. There might be similarities, but Batman is Batman. Arrow is different.

That I liked, too.

In a world where Bruce Wayne exists, Oliver isn't in my top 50 as well.

Just imagine what will happen once Palmer can shrink himself (if they follow the comics).

True. Which is kind of weird, as the actors said the producers do chemistry reads of them during auditions…so how did the lack of chemistry between Cassidy and Amell slip through? (Or maybe KC isn't having as much fun as the others are in this show? In conventions, Amell, Manu, Barrowman, Law, Lotz, etc. all seem to

Olicity doesn't work for me, too.

God, agreed so much. Also, telling Felicity you love her just when she's started to move on, knowing you might get killed fighting Ra's, just smacks of selfishness. You told her you loved her, and then what? What would Felicity do then? Pine for you as you get stabbed, tossed off a cliff and die? How would Felicity

Oooh, yes! More Nyssa-Sara backstory would make at least one queer fan happy! I'd love to see Nyssa and Sara together during their downtime, too. There's just so much unsaid between them when they're onscreen together the backstory alone would be fascinating to see.Just the fact that a bad ass master assassin who's

Yes. I actually like Iris - she's useful to the narrative, her actions - the blog, her relationship with her dad, Flash/Barry, Eddie all have a bearing on the plot.

Exactly. That's why when Ra's stabbed Arrow twice, I wasn't really bothered. I loved the fight scene too but at the same time, I know he's coming back anyway, so there weren't really any stakes there at all. A lot of the deaths could've been spread out in 12 seasons, not in 2 seasons actually, that's probably why I'm

I've rewatched seasons 1 and 2 Ollie/Felicity scenes, too and don't see the chemistry either - it did feel a bit brother-sister more like.

Agreed. I mean, if Oliver and Felicity actually hooked up - what would they even talk about? How would a relationship between a traumatized-former-government-assassin-turned-vigilante who is emotional unavailable at the moment and a young, MIT hacker whiz even work?

That's why I can't get onboard the Olicity train - it doesn't seem as organic as, say the Willow and Tara story.

I think it has more to do with how each character has been written as well - there are more interactions between Arrow, Felicity, Sara and everyone else in the Arrowcave, whereas Laurel is just so separate/isolated from everyone else and there's just not much interaction between her and the others. Felicity geeks out