Kal L. al Ghul

"…but I don't feel like watching every Marvel movie ever first, so I'd probably feel completely lost if I tried to watch them."—-This! Exactly. I just can't make that kind of commitment, especially since they've got Marvel movies planned all the way to what, 2020?

Ah…now this all makes sense. For a while there, I thought Joss Whedon was just off his game or something….

Aaah….Jagged Little Pill…soundtrack of my youth. Lyrics like "…I'm young and I'm underpaid…" ("Hand In My Pocket") just rang true for me at the time. As an English major though, "Ironic" is still something that stumps me until now. Whenever I hear it, all I can think of is, "That's not ironic…that's

Hmmm…maybe just for Nyssa I'll watch Arrow again…this season has been kind of very frustrating to watch. It isn't as compelling as season 1 or 2…

*Slow clap* for this piece.

Love this movie. Proyas' The Crow and Dark City remain 2 of my favorite movies. The OST was pretty awesome, too.

I watched it on VHS. That was also very 80s. :) Saw her pop up in "Sideways" and I was like, "WHOA! Virginia Madsen!" :) As for being born in the 70s - that's an endangered species right there. Millenials are overwhelming the world. :)

Wasn't he also in Home Alone?

I loved her in this movie. Disappeared for a while, then re-appeared in "Sideways". That was awesome.

I loved this movie. 80s-kid me thought it was awesome. Talking computers and that song, "Together in Electric Dreams", what more can I say? Also Virginia Madsen. Nuff said. :)

So true…Trying to follow it after that Ra's vs. Oliver shirtless snow fight on top of the mountain, but just can't seem to have the energy to sit through a whole episode anymore…

"And by training I mean…joining the softball team…"

Seasons 1 and 2 are fine…I'm way behind on season 3…I just can't seem to get behind it after Ra's stabs Arrow and all that stuff happens in between….the return of Nyssa and Ra's might make me watch again though…

This was an okay-ish episode so a B sounds about right, but still fun IMO.

Yes, please. I still want to know who killed Jenny.

Thanks! :-)

RE: Rachel's line about "cross dressing Mercedes" - surprised about this as Rachel has 2 gay dads. She'd be the last person to say a homophobe remark,IMO.

Yeah. Ever since the NY storyline, she's been progressively hotter and hotter. She just looks so awesomely dateable right now. :-)

I was hoping for an epic rant - Todd style. Those are the best.

We all can't believe it, man. But there is genuine affection for all these characters all the way from Season 1 and I just want to know what happens til the bitter end, really.