Kal L. al Ghul

RE: I'm too old for the CW—Amen.

I love that while Merlyn's mindcontrolled daughter is about to murder Sara and bring on the LoA, he has the presence of mind to video it for posterity. Now, THAT'S dedication!

And what's irritating is Sara didn't even actually have to die to make Laurel Black Canary if they were really hell-bent on making that happen. A lot of the characters (Shado, Moira, Malcolm's wife, Tommy,etc.) already had to die to push Oliver (and other characters) forward. It would have been refreshing if they

Yeah, I wondered about that, too. Although I thought maybe Sara told her she didn't love her anymore so Nyssa would leave her alone and set her free from the League. It also makes sense once you think about why she realized she and Ollie shouldn't be together. As for Sara voluntarily going back to Nyssa, yeah, I

Yeah, I was thinking about that, too and got confused as well. Didn't Ra's brush aside Nyssa's blood oath to avenge Sara a few eps back? But I also thought maybe Nyssa convinced Ra's to come around to her way of thinking, because she did mention knowing what the power of a father's love can do and the League did try

LOL. What, he came out of the womb and punched the doctor on the throat? And yes, a challenge immediately after birth would have been awesome.

Now that you mention it - it feels a bit Christian Grey-ish of him…

Yep. Pretty much what I was thinking…had to process that, too. So many plotholes, so little time.

I think it was both. She assumed Oliver wouldn't stand a chance against her father and would likely die, but she'd have also wanted to see Sara again (just..not under those circumstances). Bonus points for her father acknowledging Sara as his daughter's "beloved" (although they probably need to retire that word soon.

Nyssa would have probably felt vindicated right about now. Especially since Merlyn is behind Thea's mindcontrolled murder of Sara and she'd already told Arrow to kill the guy. Also, Nyssa already had Thea captured and hanging upside down that one time! Dammit! Missed opportunity!

Ah…I thought you were thinking along the lines of quality, not length. CW dramas tend to be soap-y.

We can. And we shall. And it's glorious.

Poor Thea. She cannot catch a break!

Meaning…? :)

If we're asking these kinds of questions - then why did they fight shirtless in the snow? Ra's gave Ollie 48 hours to find Sara's killer, but Ollie went to Nanda and back to challenge Ra's, settle his affairs, and then climb the mountain. That had to be a short climb. Also, Nanda must be near Starling. Or, like, why

True dat. But the show kind of hasn't been as smart this season as in past seasons. There were a few scenes in this ep where I felt like slapping Ollie, for example.

Agreed. I lost it at Thea fighting Arrow in shiny MC Hammer pants and parkours it out of there. Once you embrace the silly/stupid, it could get fun.

God, yeah. Oliver Queen - making a long line of dumb plans and decisions that have sucked since year 1.

That fight scene made me cheer for Matt Nable's Ra's, too. He was awesome.

Where he'll learn some more useful skills, no doubt. And possibly meet another woman who will be fridged by the end of the season.