
I don't even have to watch the Pete Holmes Show because Kotaku links to EVERY VIDEO CLIP OF IT.

Oh, fuck off.

Maybe this will get some people to realize how and why consoles hold back gaming so badly.

Haha! Like night and day!

...wait that's exactly how it is.

Am I the only one that thinks Rhys looks suspiciously like Handsome Jack?

Edit: Wait, just got it

Wait a minute. . .

Go home, Evan. You're drunk.

Congrats to the amazing Pokemon team who conquered the Elite 4!

At the same time, in a far off region...

And in that moment...

How to not give up on your first playthrough of Dark Souls:

You forgot this.

Says the guy posting on a gaming blog

Final Fantasy Tactics

IMO there is no perfect game. Every game ever made has some area that could be better or something that can be fixed. At least I have never played a game that has left me feeling like "no game will ever be better than this one".

My vote for what I consider to be the closest to a perfect game (aka my favorite game):

Bastion's one of three games I'll label as a 'perfect video game,' and be dead serious about it.

Epic level design, bosses, theme, and to this day the 2d graphics still hold up very well. That's the only thing that makes this more perfect than Ocarina of Time.