
and mine was female despite pr only showing off male for merchandise during 1 & 2, sooo get over it?

You’ve obviously never been that drunk.

Stay safe out there during Pride Weekend, LGBT bros. Just because you CAN get quickie married in Las Vegas now doesn’t mean you should.

As a mentally ill person I want to bake this woman an amazing cake. This man is not mentally ill, and that would just be a way for Fox and even progressive outlets to ignore the changes and evolution that has occurred in American racism.

Dad. Vietnam, 1968. He passed 3 years ago, so fathers day is still kinda rough. But thanks for the cheekbones and eyebrows, dad!!!

Team Babette and Maury.

Finally a male royal I can get into! The media keeps trying to convince me that Prince Harry is hot and I’m not buying it. This guy, however, definitely a major score for the former model he married. He has a Jamie Dornan thing going on. Sorry for the giant pics, was on a mobile device.

For book readers:

Oberyn Martell was in Buffy as a college student that turns into a college VAMPIRE OOOH.

This looks like something a John Grisham character would write if he holed up in the Mississippi woods for six months and lived on a diet of Wild Turkey, crystal meth, and 5 Hour Energy Drink.

This is probably the best-placed "lol" I've ever seen.

I'm sorry for your world.

I actually take personal offense to that. I think he's dashing as hell.

Is this the distant ancestor of this guy?

I am fine with gay couples and marriage. But pregnant men is where I draw the line, they are moody enough without the additional hormones.