It wasn’t in the emails. Cho was very polite in the emails. And then she went behind Swinton’s back and trashed her. That “I have an Asian friend” thing was especially obnoxious because she was completely lying about the context of that.
It wasn’t in the emails. Cho was very polite in the emails. And then she went behind Swinton’s back and trashed her. That “I have an Asian friend” thing was especially obnoxious because she was completely lying about the context of that.
Yeah, MC not knowing the source material she was criticizing reminds my of the student who turned in an essay to me criticizing the book he didn’t bother to read. Sorry, Margaret. No leg to stand on.
More than a little unfortunate. Cho (whom I’ve really liked for a long, long time) isn’t doing her cause any favors by not being fully informed.
One of my favorite things to do at work is to simply respond with the forwarded email that contains whatever they said that they’re now claiming they didn’t say.
And the whole “I have an Asian friend” thing did not come across at all. Cho specifically said she’d suggest producing something with Asian actors, to which Swinton responded that she was doing just that.
This stood out to me as well. I imagined TS had said something along the lines of, “why are people criticizing…
Being white means nothing in this situation. Here was one human being trying to earnestly relate to another human being of a different culture, and then said other person went on to be a two-faced ass about it for no reason.
seriously. she didn’t need to make a statement. she was just like, “here are the fucking emails. have fun.”
Its this kind of thing that really fucks up the left and progress in general. In this instance, Tilda had a constructive conversation with her peer about how to address an issue, and then Cho takes it and warps it and makes it ugly.
OH SHIT! Tilda came with fucking receiptsssssssssss
now that i’ve read margaret and tilda’s conversation, i have to wonder if margaret did as well.
Buchanan’s daughter wasn’t running his business empire for him while he was off presidenting. Yes, it is a fucking problem that Ivanka will be in the WH enough to need an office while she’s running the Trump corporation. I think it’s a mistake to just hand wave this point away by saying that we already knew that…
Californian here, and I can confirm I do NOT dig it.
That’s how many votes Clinton leads Trump by and it continues to grow.
Just a reminder to male show runners: both Burn Notice and Person of Interest managed to write complicated female characters with past trauma who got into various risky situations without once threatening them with sexual violence. It can be done.
It can be, but it’s also overused and sometimes completely unnecessary to the overall narrative of the story being told. The same way that the plot device of a man losing a woman love interest to death or capture is.
The gerontocracy aspect of The Race For The White House: 2016 was a little weird for me. To go from the youthful, vigorous, Barack Obama to someone who is mandated to take money out of their 401(k)s because they’ve hit the age limit. I’m about Barack Obama’s age (I’m actually a little younger, but not as young as…
Love ya, Uncle Joe, but you’re 74, and will be 78 in 2020. Time for the torch to pass to a new generation. Find a good candidate and put your moral weight behind him or her.
My favourite is the one who somehow thought Trump would solve the wage gap?! Even if you buy into his “I love women. Women are tremendous” bullshit, was I asleep when he acknowledged the wage gap?
Well, I can take joy in the pain of people who are regretting their votes because Donald is not building a wall/prosecuting Clinton. I really don’t have a lot of sympathy for those ones.