
Obviously drop the top

Joke fully appreciated.

Saw a Charger with plate that read E-MC2 the other day. Asked the driver if he was saying his car definitely couldn’t go faster than the speed of light. He said, ‘No, my wife is a Trekkie’. I said oh and left.


“This homage takes that crazy and turns it up to eleven and then flips that eleven on its side so it becomes an equals sign. Do you know what it equals? Yep, crazy.”    These are my favorites among your many good sentences.

I just posted something like this without reading the comments first. I apologize.

Am I the only one who saw the headline and thought it was probably Louis CK on his way home from the Grammy Awards?

Yes. And not even bother to back up the assertion that it’s a bad car with some sort of data or even an anecdote. Automotive ‘journalism’.

Tom, you have vastly more experience with buying cars than I do. I’ve bought less than twenty cars in my life, and only one at a Nissan dealer. This event was two weeks ago, and it was remarkable enough for me to want to remark on it. I’ve been browsing ads for a later model Grand Cherokee for a few weeks. Don’t

Yep, and his name is Earl

35 cars! Why you no slideshow?

Undoubtedly speaking for many, I’m wishing this article was a slideshow.

NP for me. I like the look of these, and considered buying one new as a second bike. The lightness of HP wouldn’t bother me for a backup bike, and the lighter price would make it an easier decision. If it was near me, I’d go test drive it.

Exactly. So sad. Was a great place to kill a lot of time for a long time.

What you posted is wrong, but I agree with the words. The first generation is a classic, but I loved the way the second gen looked and it also drove way better.

Nope. I had a low-miles Fleetwood sedan of the same year as this in the early ‘eighties, and it ran like a top despite being very aggressively driven by twenty-something me. I beat that big engine as hard as I wanted, and the b**** obeyed me. 

Well said.

Thank you for writing this. It’s what I was writing in my head when I was reading Rory’s comment. I’ve been here since the beginning, and it’s becoming almost intolerably bad overall. I’ll still check in occasionally to catch up on the work of the few decent writers left whose work is very worthwhile (Rob, Bradley,

Thank you for doing the article writer’s job. 

Thanks! I was just writing this list in my head.