
You can buy a portable AM radio on Amazon for $10-20. Everyone who wants to be able to be reached can afford this. No need to require that it be attached to a car. Why not require it be attached to a refrigerator or bicycle? Most households have these, too.

And they closed a factory in Kansas City while opening an new one in Thailand recently to produce bikes for sale in the USA

No need to engage the known troll

I love this idea. I hope it’s not feasible.

Nice Price. Looks like a better version of bikes I used to build. If I had garage space for two bikes, I’d like this for one of them. I’d definitely want to have the larger piston, so it’s a plus that it’s already been done. My current bike is a plenty fast Honda 919, so this slower beauty would be OK on some slower da

My congratulations

Please consider googling ‘average flight attendant salary’. Lots of useful information which contradicts the tone and ‘facts’ in this story and comments.

I’m curious if he even knows his stuff was posted here. I’m guessing there are reasons he and many previous contributors Aren’t anymore

I know. How could a human alive in 2024 make that statement in the headline? Let alone someone who works for a transportation-related blog? Let alone a blog which seems to have a daily quota for Tesla clickbait?

Great choice on the bike color, too. My Honda 919 is the same and I love it.

Guy’s a douchebag, no question. But are you not embarrassed to, in your very first sentence, call him an ‘aparrent’ idiot? What passes for jornalism these days.

Article correctly says screws or fasteners multiple times. Headline says, “missing bolts’. This is a car blog. You’d think the difference would be obvious. Idiots. 

except for the gorilla

Some people would guess that he regularly takes it in his carry-on when traveling domestically and gets away with it by flashing his important government guy credentials if noticed and then actually forgot to take it out before this trip. The Portland airport is not very big, and it’s possible that the local security

Stopping in Shanghai to meet some local officials on his way back to the USA. Definitely not considering writing this five-week vacation off as business.

He’s taking a five-week trip around Asian countries with his wife, and planning to stop in Shanghai on the way back to meet with Port of Shanghai officials because he’s involved with the Port of Portland. No way he’s having that meeting so he can claim the five-week vacation was a business trip. No way.

Darn. I came here to see the slideshow of all of the cars honking their horns.

I enjoy your writing and like the direction you’re going with this build. I’ve thought of doing something similar and will keep track of what works for you. Thanks for keeping us posted.

I saw one of these for sale in Taiwan when I lived there in the ‘90s and thought it was one of the most beautiful cars I’d ever seen. No idea how it got there, since Taiwan is not a RHD country. Thirty years later, I still think it looks almost perfect. But not at that price.

112 hp!