
Understandable. You’ve seen the new Maverick, right?

Wrong. In the ‘80s, guys in Taiwan were overboring and otherwise souping up old-school 150cc Vespa scooters into seriously fast and fun machines. Steel bodies, simple engines; superquick and cool. We zigged and zagged through the pinball traffic like the end was near. My god, those were fun.

Yes, I’ve been shopping CX-5s and CX-30s in that color. Love it. As a sometime Mazda owner (RX-7, Mazda6), I’m even more a fan of what they’ve been doing lately. I like how this one looks, and I’d immediately buy this one if they made it with a higher HP ICE. These versions are probably OK, but I’d want a bit more

NP just because of singularly unnecessary car-ad honesty in telling us the odometer is probably low by ten thousand. Puts the ‘nice’ in Nice Price.

Chopped and channeled my RX-7.

I heard you like slideshows. A brainstorm: how about a slideshow within a slideshow? Every time you click to a new page, it opens its own internal slideshow and you have to click completely through it to get to the next page of the original one! Clicks ahoy, as they say.

Sorry, in TL-ANON

Had me at weed; stayed for the Creamsicles.

Thanks! Was just about to say this.

Pardon me, but that’s not what serendipity means. It’s a funny coincidence.

I’m curious why you think this is ‘serendipity’. It’s actually just a funny coincidence. Serendipity would be if you had the good fortune of finding this news while looking for something else. But that roadblock news or event itself is not serendipitous. Not being snarky; just wondering.

Not to be ‘pendantic’, but it’s pedant. Not pendant.

It’s been years since I’ve done a statics problem, so you’ll have to bear with me here.’ Bear with me. Good one, D.

Seriously? My cockblocking comment from this morning is still not approved? 

So you’re saying it’s cockblocking the canal?

Ah, that explains it! You know how sometimes someone happens to have a car the same model/color as yours and happens to park it near yours and your key happens to fit (car keys are NOT unique) and you absentmindedly get in the wrong one and drive away without realizing it? Now I know why the radio presets on my F50

It belongs in a museum! https://www.ctmq.org/121-the-crra-garbage-museum/

FB RX-7 (though I heretically prefer the FC).

Saw that first one, and I was like, ‘Ooooh!’  Then I saw it was just a Ford, and I was like, ‘Oh.’

In related news, the relevant tribal authority has long allowed your local college (Central Michigan University) to continue calling their sports teams the Chippewas. They decided the nickname is used as a sign of pride and honor toward local indigenous people. Fire up, Chips!