
Deep dive: THIS is a 1953 Alfa Romeo Disco Volante. In a minute, I’ll tell you about its many quirks and features....

AI Jokebot 9000 say: Tiny screen causes Janet to accidentally order Peanut Butter and Cuttlefish sandwich, when she wanted Peanut Butter and Jellyfish

AI Jokebot 9000 say: Slimy car salesman’s clumsy emotional enticements fail to distract Janet from online comparisons.

OK, ‘octo’ means eight, and it has eight legs, so I see how you get that part. But how is it possible to get the ‘pus’?

This week on ‘Cephalopods in Cars Getting Sandwiches: Julia Louis Dreyfus!

I was going to say buy two first-gen RX-7s, but David beat me to the thought with the Fieros. For true 80s cred, you could go with the ‘85 Chrysler LeBaron convertible as driven by David Byrne in the film ‘True Stories’. Here’s one for only $5,800, though not red. https://www.cars.com/vehicledetail/detail/810186251/ove

Great article, David! I appreciate the effort and professionalism. I’m a longtime Cherokee and Grand Cherokee driver, and recently shopping for a Wrangler. However, I have been watching this product launch with interest. I skimmed a few of the recent articles about it, but I was hoping someone would put together

Was that supposed to be ‘wrenchlit’ or ‘wretchlit’? Unclear.

These are NOT marketed as ‘mobility scooters’ in China. They are used in many parts of Northern China as everyday drivers for many people as a lower-cost alternative to a car for poorer people in colder climes, offering more weather protection than a scooter. I’ve lived in China for years and have seen dozens of

Nope, you’re missing the point. Bearcat means Panda in Chinese (xiongmao). Nothing says opulent luxury like panda.

I’d rather go with this little farm truck

Congratulations, BB. I enjoy your coverage of things from bikes to birdcages.

Agreed. It’s annoying when it’s an article I look forward to reading, but I refuse to click through. I have an out-sized sense of my importance in the scheme of things, probably.

Had one of these in my twenties in the eighties. ‘71 Pontiac Grand Ville. That smiling shark grille always made me smile. The 455 cu. inch V8 helped a lot, too.

Welcome, Rory! Looking forward to your initiatives. Coupla things, since everyone is piping up with opinions: I’ve been reading here for years. I enjoy the variety of voices and interests so much that I’ll usually take a chance on articles on subjects that might not normally interest me. It usually pays off, leaving

Perhaps, among other things, the decline is also due to the increasing use of click-through slideshows instead of normal scrolling articles. This practice has decreased the amount of articles I read here and on the sister sites, since I refuse to read any formatted that way.

Agreed. I refuse to click through on another article formatted in this entirely unnecessary way. I thought we were all finished with this a decade or so ago. It pains me to pass up on entertaining articles and comments, but I’ve drawn my line. Yeah, I know, it’s a minor inconvenience in exchange for free content; how

Stay away from both of them. Even though free, they’ll bring you nothing but expense and distraction from your other projects. First of all, are you really going to be inspired enough to devote time and money to fixing up that rusty, sagging-headliner XJ? What does it bring to the table that you don’t already have?

How can you call this overwrought? I think it’s perfectly appropriately wrought. NP.