
Actually, that’s not an accurate take. The Chinese government knew that the virus was spreading throughout Hubei Province and elsewhere, but still allowed over half a billion people to roam around China for the annual Lunar New Year mass migration and also allowed countless thousands of Chinese citizens to travel

Everything from ‘My Dinner With Andre’

I think I know exactly how you feel. Among other things I’m loathe to replace, I have a wok I’ve lugged around the world for years in various relocations and would be hard pressed to find one as suitable and well-made should it get lost or destroyed. Also, that two-cup Pyrex measuring cup, though luckily they’re still

These are all good reminders of stuff I like to make when I think of it. Thanks so much for resisting the urge to make this article into a slideshow (unlike certain of other people’s articles I which won’t mention). I can guess that there are corporate directives to increase pageviews or something, but I refuse to

Ummm...was he carrying a gas can or a flamethrower?

I agree with most of these points. But, as an aside, why are people here still trying to make ‘kilobucks’ a thing? We already have a good handful of cool, common synonyms for thousand. Which of these doesn’t belong? Nine grand. Nine large. Nine thou. Nine K. Nine Gs. Nine kilobucks. Nine tryingtoohard. Nothing

His ego transcended his not-inconsiderable skill-set but obviated him to proclaim...    Pardon me, but that’s not what ‘obviate’ means. It means to make something become unnecessary.

Entirely reasonable comment and I agree. But are some people here still trying to make ‘kilobucks’ a thing? We’ve got ‘thousand’ pretty well covered for cool synonyms, I think. Which of these is the ugly duckling? Nine grand. Nine Gs. Nine thou. 9K. Nine large. Nine kilobucks. Nine tryingtoohard. Nothing personal.

It also ironically stars the new Batman, Robert Pattinson...’ Pardon me, but what is ironic about this? Interesting? Perhaps. Somewhat coincidental? Maybe. Words have meanings. Ironic doesn’t apply here unless I’m missing something. 

Hero? I’ll preface this by saying I’m not a fan of Elon Musk, but that’s irrelevant to my point. Pardon me, but words have meanings. Vernon Unsworthy’s being present at the site during the rescue was not by any definition heroic. It was hero-adjacent. He did not go into the water during this rescue. He happens to

Hero? I’ll preface this by saying I’m not a fan of Elon Musk, but that’s irrelevant to my point. Pardon me, but words have meanings. Vernon Unsworthy’s being present at the site during the rescue was not by any definition heroic. It was hero-adjacent. He did not go into the water during this rescue. He happens to live

This is not an impossible dream. I’m currently in Shenzhen, China, where the past 2-3 years have seen a complete transition of all 16,000+ city buses and all 20,000+ taxis to entirely electric fleets. Of course this was government mandated and had some subsidies, but this example shows it’s very feasible. I ride these

Actually, I was coincidentally talking with an ex-Alta guy today, and what he says is the same as what you say. I wasn’t following this closely previously, so who knows.

It seems to me that this entire article and comment section is unaware of the existence of a spectator sport called air racing. It sometimes involves time trials and flying around and/or between pylons in small, single-person planes. This sport has existed relatively continuously since before 1910 and has occasionally