
I thought that about Uncle Nicky and Cassidy too!

siblings always know just how to hurt you.

His cancer did in fact come back and was indeed mentioned again repeatedly, including in that sad little cabin where vacuum cleaner guy was giving him chemotherapy and he was coughing his brains out.

They pointed out the obvious is all they did and labeled it comedy. What is funny is watching the left try so hard just to fail lol.

Part of me wants him to come for Michelle. Please fatass, do it. We know you can’t help yourself and all these uppity black women look alike to you. Do it, so we can end your fat ugly ass once and for all.

That’s disappointing. I didn’t think Chapter One was that scary either, but my hopes were that because it was so focused on children that they would really go for broke in the sequel and could terrorize adults.

And she can definitely do the low voice. I’m all for this.

Thus Spake Barrythustra

If you think for a second that all those war criminals and old white Republicans on her board didn’t take one look at her think, ‘Hmm, I wonder what the best way to wrest control of this thing from her in a few years would be,’ you are out of your mind. Hell, that guy Sunny probably had the right idea - give her money

The barely ever blinking I find much worse.

I assume that dollar signs replaced his pupils.

She gives me a Villanelle from “Killing Eve” vibe.

All of them have acted terribly. I’m going to give Khloe more of a pass because when you are in the awful raw pain of being betrayed, you get a little crazy.

No, we’re Great Again™.

Batshit wackos are everywhere, but the fact that one can create a baseless company valued at $9 billion and another can become President of the United States is unsettling. Has America gotten dumber, greedier, more gullible or all of the above?

Or who.

Here cleanse your palate:

I didn’t feel for Kate one bit in the Randall confrontation. It’s extremely typical of these types of (white) women to say something awful, then turn around and play the victim when called on it. Honestly, fuck her.

Telling a respected professor and PhD to open a book...it’s like he’s just too lazy to tailor his misogyny to the target. At least show some pride in your shitty craft, dude!

All this and more in “Sterling’s Gold,” available wherever fine books are sold.