The pre nup only kicks in if there’s a divorce. Different story if the spouse dies...
The pre nup only kicks in if there’s a divorce. Different story if the spouse dies...
The only communist here is your putin-loving cult leader.
After Barry crashes nto that car and escapes only to run into Fuches, he passes by a car with an LAPD badge showing on the driver’s side.
Speaking of Sheryl Sandberg, anyone else notice in the HBO doc how she leans so far over when being interviewed on a stage. It happened in several interviews. Was she trying to be the literal example of Sandberg’s Lean in book title? I would not be surprised.
This felt like the time I went to see the Sartre play “No Exit” in an off off Broadway theater. As I recall a key summary of the play (and Sartre’s philosophy) is that “hell is other people.” So as tedious as it was, I admire the intent, even if the execution left much to be desired.
I was in Ischia in March last year just for the day. I imagine it gets crowded in summer, but probably not as touristy as Capri. It feels much more authentic than Capri.
It was Lenu’s dad, not Lila's, who slapped her in order to appease his wife who didn’t want her to go to middle school. The wife seemed jealous of her own daughter.
Tat final shot of the Albany skyline gave me the shivers. I worked for the state for 30+ years in the Corning Tower, the tallest building in that shot. It was a huge deal around upstate NY that summer and we were locking our doors, even in Albany, just in case.
And the fact that he looks decidedly older than in his BB days does not help either.
Jjust remember this one statement made by a commenter somewhere: you can tell what God thinks of money when you look at who he gives it to.
Let’s call her out on the real issue here: that she cares not (didnt she literally tell us that?) one whit about all the s*&$ going down in her husbands administration. Her only concernseemto be her wardrobe and the photo ops to spotlight that.
Let’s call her out on the real issue here: that she cares not (didnt she literally tell us that?) one whit about all the s*&$ going down in her husbands administration. Her only concernseemto be her wardrobe and the photo ops to spotlight that.
Don’t worry, the millennials will fix that. They're not getting married or procreating in droves.
That is perfection - I admire your imagination.
And Idon’t believe Michelle pranced around in Loboutins in every damn picture.
Or, alternatively. She is like one of those very realistic life- size sex dolls, but can speak.
Didn’t they teach him anything in that military school?
One of the men found by the actual rescue crew bore chains on his face
May I borrow your sarcastro term? I’m a neutral bystander here.
Pease don’t confuse me anymore re: cast names than I already am! It is Tozer not Tozier.