
Like Jerry Sandusky’s wife kept him "grounded.”

And also to stop with that smug, tight-lipped smile.

What a spectacular speech , from beginning to end. This guy should run for President. Oh, wait.

Oh please just go away. This is stuff you should save for your therapist. It's irrelevant to the discussion and if you insist it is relevant I offer this: perhaps your non-empathy for the writer is a projection of your own self-loathing brought about by your abuse.


And when you hide the story you are likely doing so out of shame, a self I destructive emotion in this instance.

He doesn't feel any guilt, nor will he ever, is my considered opinion after being on this planet for more years than I care to admit. he will just feel sorry for himself rotting in that cell, there will be no remorse.

And the ancient Greek word for naked was "gymnos" from which the word gymnasium was derived.