
Wow, this feels like something I could have written. I can’t remember the last time I felt so strongly in tune with a writer on this site, so congrats for really striking a nerve!

2K has a football game?

As a dog person, I feel my work here is done.

“Realism” is internal consistency—a game works to establish its reality. Skyrim displays realism. STALKER displays realism. Doom displays realism.

One thing is to have the tools to create a game, and another completely different is to have the skills to bring that idea into the real world. Using the same marble carving tools that Michelangelo had won’t allow you to create a David.

It’s extremely difficult if you don’t have the knowledge and skills and resources, which it is clear they do not have.

“It’s impossible to play any classic King’s Quest game without dying five bazillion times. At a certain point, all that dying stops being dramatic and becomes an active nuisance: gaming busywork. There are no maps to refer to in the first game, so you have to stumble from screen to screen, walking at a painfully slow

It came out in 2004. At that time everything about it was unique.

Really? When did you play this? When it was new? The lighthouse battle, driving through the cave, getting the buggy for the first time, commanding antlions, hanging with DOg, that early bit in the dark with the head crabs that was pictured and crossing that bridge also in pictures are all vivid memories that go beyond

Super Metroid is by far the best Metroid.

First time in my life that I hear the phrase “Better than Super Metroid”.

It is the same thing EA did to us with SimCity.

All shows, really. When was the last time you saw a show for somebody over 40?

Yeah, I don’t understand that either. Is shooting hoops by yourself depressing? Is playing guitar without a band depressing? Is cooking a nice meal for yourself depressing? Nope, nuh-uh, and not at all.

No clearly everything made everywhere must consider me and only me as their target audience.

Many hobbies are things people usually do alone(model building, reading, art). Boardgaming is lucky enough to have human interaction most of the time, but why is the fact you can still do the thing you love, even if you have no one else to play with at the time, depressing?

Hey, I think there was a good...uh...2 or 3 on this list with adults in them. lol

“A young boy...” “A highschool student...” “A group of young...” yet more evidence that Japanese people apparently cease to exist after highschool.

“The desire to smash a controller into pieces after dying for the 15th time in a row is erased by the euphoria of winning on the 16th.”

I thought it was entertaining. His experience with parents who hated video games is not unique, so I know what it was like to play the Metal Gear Solid 2 demo repeatedly.