
I fear they aren’t.

It seems I’m not the only one after all. I feel warm now. Thank you Doc.

Half-Life? That means that at the center of the universe there is λ3? :)

Big enough to crave for ride it. Anyway, I agree it is all about one’s interpretation.

Well, even Jimquisition bumped on a gigantic dinosaur-ish creature (that he tried to climb up only to find out it had no collider boxes or such) as he reported in his review.

That Nintendo spokesperson happens to be a T-800...

Mamma mia! (how cute my native language is! :) )

That’s an even better comedy plot!

Sadly I’d love this series if it weren’t for those boring pattern-slave boss fights.

Italy here. Our daylight date change is the last sunday of March, as well as many european countries I guess.