
Journalistic question - why doesn’t this just say “accused of rape”? Because both these acts as alleged constitute rape.  Given the weird world where less terrible conduct (Aziz’s “misconduct”) is somehow lumped into this, I feel like picking words with caution is wise.  I wouldn’t want someone walking away thinking

Man, that SatC partnership really hasn’t gone the way Peloton would have hoped.

I feel so sorry for these women.

Seems like if there are two women, then there must be more than two women.

I love the character work they do for Yelena via her costume. She’s got a tonne of accessories - bracelets, necklaces, brooches - that reflects her newfound freedom to wear whatever she wants, as discussed in ‘Black Widow’. Same with her almost child-like glee about doing the most touristy things in New York.

I like how scaled-down this is. It’s mostly about Hawkeye getting home for Xmas

But here’s the thing, Clint wasn’t misled into killing those people. He would have done the exactly the same thing if he got a tip from another source.

For a second I thought they recast Wilson Fisk. That photo, albeit grainy and out of focus, did not look like Vincent D’Onofrio. The credits obviously dispel that.

Am I missing something on the “Gaga wouldn’t meet with Mrs. Gucci” thing? Patrizia is a convicted murderer that killed the father of her children. I wouldn’t want to be in a room with her either. 

Nowhere in my post did I say she didn’t need help. But I don’t know her and I don’t know if she’s under the care of a mental health professional.

And at least when she was in the conservatorship she wasnt running around flashing her bare bum, screaming at total strangers, and shaving her head.”

As the author of the

I mean, there are lots of people will poor impulse control who aren’t in conservatorships. Someone doesn’t have to rise to your standard of “balanced” in order to deserve basic freedom.

I mean, both of these things are true. Britney has (and should always have had) the freedom to be trashy. But let’s not mince words, this is trashy. 

I don’t think what she’s doing is particularly healthy though I understand the impulse. I think she may have shed the conservatorship but I don’t think she’s necessarily surrounded herself with the right people either. This is someone who was never allowed to mature like a normal adult, who never learned basic life

They don’t have that brother-and-sister-ly easiness with each other. There’s too much tension in the air, as if they can’t wait to rip each others clothes off. If you want them to come across as siblings, have one sprawled on the couch and the other one yawning without covering their mouth.

Sometimes the YouTube comments bless us with a gem:

I really think that’s it. Those lingering close-ups as each of them looks at each other a little too long, standing a little too close together, just tilts over into “they’re totally gonna bone” territory. 

My first time seeing this. I thought it was all on the right side of OK ... until she stuck the bow on him and went “You’re my present this year” and then they had a close up of their faces as they exchanged lingering looks. How could the makers not look at the finished product and see how that looks?

I can’t tell if making the lead actress about eleven years old or so would clear up the problem, or make it so much worse . . .

Folgers in the Attic. 

Me, before watching the ad: “More clickbait bullshit.”