A story about frozen cows and you guys correlate it to the demoman in TF2? I stopped visiting Gizmodo because of its sea of random non-gadget stories. I really don't want to do the same with Kotaku if this is a sign of things to come.
A story about frozen cows and you guys correlate it to the demoman in TF2? I stopped visiting Gizmodo because of its sea of random non-gadget stories. I really don't want to do the same with Kotaku if this is a sign of things to come.
Blizzard never makes demos at launch.
100x agree with dual wielding needlers.
Yea but what exactly does Light or Standard mean? 500 or fewer players? Or 50,000 and fewer players? Those are relative terms depending on how Bioware labels them.
Capcom, how much did Sony pay you to do this AND strip features out of the 360 version?
Before I quit, I played WOW as Alliance on the server Illidan and Stormwind was a ghost town. Doing /who during primetime would bring up 10 or less people. And you want to know why? Everyone had faction/server changed. If you tried to log into Orgrimmar during primetime on the same server, you were looking at extreme…
Congratulations. I wish I could predict a game's popularity off of an extremely small scale like you.
Fake and gay (literally this time).
I felt the same way about AC1. AC2 is WORLDS better. You're really doing yourself a disservice by not trying it or the newer sequels.
Are you seriously playing on semantics over one letter? Do you complain if someone calls a DS Lite just a DS too?
Hahaha I didn't even notice that. It looks like his back has a 6pack.
Oh boy, one of those WOW IS DIEING folks. I don't care about it either way but sitting at the top of the list with 10million subscribers is hardly a sign that it's dying.
Why? WoW has become an endgame MMO, not leveling.
Or you could just not friend your boss and keep your profile private?
Great idea. Get on it Taco Bell!
Great idea.
Yea. Maybe they had an Iraqi insider who gave them a list of soldiers's names.
You'd be surprised how many people have their Facebook viewable to the public and don't care to change it.