
The only list ODST ever deserves to be on is a list of shitty games.

lolwut? I just randomly played GoW3 the other day and the graphics in the beginning still stun the shit out of me.

Daaaamn. Dat body!

Why are they re-releasing this tech demo? I remember playing it and it was barely a thought out game.

Good point. Haha

The slicing gameplay looks pretty damn good. I just hope PG doesn't stuff the game with cheese and corniness that they did with Bayonetta. That really turned me off from the game.

Oh, the physical one. I bought one of those a couple of years ago and was told that the price covered shipping. Not sure if that's changed.

But authenticators are free......?

Great article, Kirk. Shines light on something that is too often overlooked.

I don't think any of the 3D GTAs ever ran at 60 fps. The slowdown during some scenes was noticeable.

The same can be said to Valve still using the Source engine from 2004.

Nostalgia has you by the hook. SWG wasn't awesome. It was a POS that was completely overhauled twice in a year.

Haha. That movie is supposed to take place in real life next year. Can't wait!

Well, at least we know people still ride horses in the future.

Don't forget the sandbags that seemingly grow out from the ground after the blast.


Patriot? Pretty sure I didn't even mention where I live since it doesn't even matter. Assuming I'm american only makes you look even more dumb.


Celtics won't be going to the Finals anymore with their current team. Yes, they beat the Heat in REGULAR season games but the playoffs is a whole different animal. The Celtics is just, overall, too old.

I hope you're trolling. If not, you're a re-tard.