When was the last time you read a REPUTABLE news article about a criminal and it posted their home address?
There's a huge twist at the end of ACII so yea, I def recommend playing it before trying 3.
"90 Avenue D, Apt. 6F home"
Yea I read the books. Sorry if that was a spoiler.
It's gonna be a couple of seasons before the dragons grow up to really do anything.
I think most people (not just hipsters) have normal sized hands and not oven mitts.
This. You hit it right on the head.
Haha, the best lyric in the song.
Jet Set Radio Future's soundtrack was better!
There's a reason bowties are rarely worn by guys - 99% of them look like dweebs.
Where's the cello music?!
You must be reading a different version of his post than me because I don't see that that was his point.
I feel dumb because I almost didn't sense the sarcasm.
Wow I remember that ad face but never knew what it was for until now.
That is so awesome
Just replace "I can't hear anything you say" with "I can't read anything you write."
You got balls for admitting to watching that. Pun intended
For the love of god, can people stop making articles about this loser? It's the same story every.single.time. I don't have a job! I'm an actor! Damn my penis! I will never do porn cuz I want people to take an overweight geek with the personality of a tree seriously!