
That is pretty damn badass.

Damn. And everyone says that Florida is a special breed of crazy.

The only rational thing I can think of is Atlanta with its international airport, and Savannah, which has the second largest port on the East Coast.

I wanted to be anorexic when I was a little kid. I think I first found out about it when I was reading something my parents had gotten for me to try and make sense of puberty when I was 6 or so (I went through puberty ridiculously early for some reason).

I started dieting around the same age. I remember being 7 and trading diet tips with the other girls in my class as one sipped a Slim Fast that he mother put in her lunchbox.

What do permanent residents here do?

I know that when I was a kid I wanted my jaw wired shut when I heard about it. I think I was told about it as a threat. Like, “Lose weight or we’ll wire your jaw shut!”

I apologize. I’ve been harassed a few times in the past with this subject and unfairly judged you.

I’ll bite.

I hate that I find this video so funny because it is a rather serious issue.

As a Floridian, I would totally vote to change the state’s motto to “Florida! Why?”

I mean, on the sliding scale of idealism versus cynicism, these apps are more towards the middle of the scale as a whole. Good intentions, but still want to make a profit.

I am so glad I’m not the only one to have that instant answer in my head.

I actually had to go inpatient in a hospital for a week last year because I needed MRIs done and the insurance company would not pay for them if I was not in the hospital.

To those of you LARPing in here as temporarily embarrassed millionaires these are the type of people who will make sure you never will get there.

Christ. I’m sorry to hear that.

I’m glad that you do what you do. 

It’s good that they’ve stopped the construction to excavate the area. I have to wonder if there are more cemeteries nearby. Most likely, unfortunately.

Christ, that’s worst nightmare scenario there. Not only do you have to go out on a limb to find a doctor who’s trans friendly, but to have the pharmacist try to out you when you fill your script?

I hate that you’re right.