Every time Trump has a rally or some nonsense I comment to my mom, “Look at all those mediocre White people.”
Every time Trump has a rally or some nonsense I comment to my mom, “Look at all those mediocre White people.”
“Why do poor people eat so poorly and get fat?!”
My parents considered something like that when I was in high school. I think it was when my dad was forced off his employer’s insurance for some reason and we ended up with COBRA coverage, which is stupidly expensive.
While nurse sharks are docile for the most part, they’re still sharks. The only shark I’d be comfortable swimming near would be a whale shark. And even then, I’m not getting close.
I was in Hot Topic last week (shoosh, they have a lot of geeky stuff) and a little girl around eight-years-old announced, “When I grow up, I wanna be a YouTuber!”
Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!
What could possibly go wrong with this? The government has always been on top of the AIDS epidemic! Certainly nothing has gone wrong in the past regarding the treatment of people with HIV and AIDS.
That album was released in 2004 and just becomes more and more relevant as it ages. There was a period to where we thought that maybe we’d gotten better, but then Trump came and everything went to shit.
That’s fair.
I’ve seen self-described TERFs go after people with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) before. It’s to the point where I don’t know if they’re trolls, satire, or they actually espouse the shit they spew.
Cathy Brennan? She’s a pretty vile person, considering that she also enjoys doxxing trans teenagers.
That is fair. I’ve seen TERFs embrace the term and I’ve seen TERFs who prefer the term “radfem” or “radifem”. I appreciate those who label themselves as TERFs so I can stay the hell away from them.
So around 4:00 AM?
I always have a fun time with this, so I’ll take the bait since you’re already out of the grays. I do apologize if my reply is kind of out there. I’m fairly tired.
This is true.
That is true. I honestly can’t think of a time where anyone has actually gotten banned and I’ve been on the blue hellsite for years.
Exactly. The problem isn’t the pronouns, but rather confusing writing.
Oh, of course. It’s only when a trans person wants to be treated as a human being does a problem arise.
I’d love to see what’d happen if Twitter suspended Trump’s account for like a week. I’m honestly curious.
I use the singular they all the time for both myself and in general writing. It’s not as confusing as people make it out to be. It’s no more confusing than having a piece of writing with more than one man or woman.