Paris Hilton Has A GED

This is super timely for me too. The toyboy’s mom passed last week and it’s been so hard to know what to do. I can tell he doesn’t want to be coddled and he’s trying to keep himself busy but I’m self conscious about seeming like I don’t care if I try to continue things as normal. I want to be there for him on his

Thank you for not posting the video. I saw they had a link to it on the Gawker article and felt like it was kind of fucked up. I can’t imagine many people want a video of their sexual assault released to the public.

I’m really curious to find out why the gawker site has kept the graphic screenshots of this on their website all day, and people have been complaining about it all day without any response from Gawker staff, while Jezebel does (what I personally feel is the) correct thing and chooses not to post the pictures at all.

I have along letter from one of my (still) best friends about 5 months after my Mom died (we were still teenagers) apologizing for not being a better friend during that time and not communicating with me all and explaining how wrecked just thinking about my situation made her that she chickened out of calling every

THIS OH GOD. I pretty much defriended all the many emotional vampires I knew who either made my loss a way for them to talk about terrible thing that happened to them in their lives (usually not comparable, like ‘oh yeah when my neighbor’s grandma died I felt...) or just in general telling me how my loss was affecting

When my mom died, I purposely told as few people as possible, purely so I wouldn’t get people trying to be all sorrowful for me. No Facebook posts, no public declarations, hell even today (four years later) if someone mentions my mom in some passing way in conversation, I won’t be like “oh, she’s dead”, I’ll just

That cliche is especially aggravating to me when spoken of a child. I am religious, believe in a Heaven, and think that the afterlife will be better than this one.

I knew a girl in college whose sister got murdered who said “if you don’t know what to say, that’s OK.”

“I sure as hell can’t relate to their pain in any way.”

Damn, and I thought my “No diving, Shallow bathtub” cross stitch was clever.

There is a cross stitch sign in the legendary Austin dive bar Beerland that says the exact same thing. I’d never seen or heard of one anywhere else, so this is cool.

That is awesome. In my old apartment bathroom, I had to hang a lil sign that said “Please don’t screw on my sink” when I threw parties, because my landlord was NOT going to fix it a third time.

Congrats! I’m only at 3 months. I’m not a big user, and I only dabbled for a couple of years, but I recently decided to cut that shit out before it gets worse.

One of the most surreal moments of my life was when a SWAT team captain, complete with HUGE gun, did coke in the bathroom at my work. Went in kinda tired, came out hyper, sniffing, and with FREAKING WHITE POWEDER ON HIS STACHE. I wish I had had your cross stitch in the bathroom.

You are awesome! /fistbump



This series is fascinating. Millihelen is great.