Paris Hilton Has A GED

"Give Me One Reason" is a blues song, as a bulk of Tracy Chapman's work draws upon black roots music. Kelly Clarkson didn't "transform the song into a blues number."

It's refreshing that you're honest....and it saddens me nobody is going to load you into a cannon and fire you into the sun any time soon because HR people..and HR departments are horrible, useless organs in an already horrible fear-driven beast.

Yess a million times this.. I hate when people act like they ARE the company they work for. It's like chill the fuck out, you're just their servant slave.

"Ma'am, no, I'm sorry, but we deduct 20% off returns with no reciept."

Oh, I pity the clerks that have to break that news to customers.

That was my first thought as well. People don't read signs or handouts. Those employees are gonna get screamed at.

Two words: airport and bridesmaid.

I did that, except I spent the afternoon stapling up flyers, sobbing, and clomping around in a pair of vintage heels that were about to break. I cussed out all my room mates for their carelessness. They must have left the door open. They were terrible people. I finally flopped on my bed and called my boyfriend,

I think this is my favorite story so far!

Chica, that made me laugh so hard. I once had a meltdown after watching an episode of Dance Academy where one of the main characters died. Like so loud I scared the cat.

I LOVE THIS ONE. One perk of having borderline personality disorder is that I have so many I could chose.

I was working two jobs at this time. One was a small business that I owned that was majorly struggling and slowly driving me to bankruptcy. The other was at a home improvement store where I was constantly picking up nails in my tires. I was patching them, replacing them with retreads in singles rather than sets, and

Not me (emotionally repressed 4 lyfe) but my then-14-year old sister:

I was in shock, BP down to 70/60, my husband holding one ankle, my mother and sister on the other and I screamed at everyone in the room, "I hope you enjoy the show!" And passed out.

One of my last semesters in college I had let my roommate talk me into renting an apartment at a really weird apartment complex in Austin called the Metropolis which was painted psychedelic colors and housed a lot of artistic and obviously drug friendly people. I was a middle class kid from a small town and a huge

I have two, and I can't decide which is worse.

Great submissions in last week's Pissing Contest, but I think Meezer5 is the winner in our hearts:

Awwwwwwwwwww. My family still does "It's PRECIOUS TO MEEEEEEE," because that's what I would sob at my mother when she'd throw away the garbage/scraps of rando paper from under my bed.

I'm normally a very nice person who values politeness and kindness- until this one day. I had just moved from a pedestrian-friendly city to one that required a car, and was still adjusting to car culture when I got really sick and had to go to the doctor. The office was in one of the busiest areas of the city, and I

I'm not quite sure how it happened, but the last time I did acid I ended up sobbing about how much I hate blue raspberry-flavored foods. Like, big shuddering gasp-y sobs.