Where do we sign up though? This comment was deleted the first time and that is exactly the type of problems Twitter has been having. Just because you don’t like it, doesn’t make it wrong. My guess is that Lifehacker will eventually suffer the same fate at Twitter. People aren’t going to stand for this.
Another vote for the missing Body Heat. I saw it in a theater (age giveaway) where you could almost feel the Florida heat and humidity.
Needs more Body Heat.
All on the directors. To be fair I'll take returns over jar jar abrams's garbage Flyby script.
Easy there, cowboy. I think they’re a lot of fun. I don’t understand why they get so much hate. I may not know anyone asking for an Avatar sequel, but the first one did gross a ton of money and plenty of people liked it. So when it comes down to just dollars and cents, Avatar and Fast & Furious sequels make plenty of…
Pocahontas, FernGully, Dances With Wolves. Not sure why people get so bent out of shape about that. It repurposes a well-used plot, just like hundreds of other movies. There’s nothing wrong with that. If you want to be mad about something, be mad about literally calling the element they’re fighting over “unobtanium”.
It’s “interesting” how some commenters bitch about Avatar being derivative, unoriginal, boring and not deserving of a sequel, which comes only 13 years after the original, when Blade Runner, a great movie but box office disappointment, got a boring, forgettable sequel 35 years later. Blade Runner had cultural impact;…
Fallen Kingdom is, bar none, one of the worst movies I have ever seen from a screenwriting standpoint. It is so stupid I became noticeably angry in the theatre.
Meh to Bladerunner 2049. The movie was visually spectacular but the world building sucked. Terrible story telling. Bladerunner 2049 is a template of how not to tell an epic story.
I hate Jurassic World. It firmly cemented that franchise as “Hey, you want to watch people run away from things for 2 hours?” and Fallen Kingdom doubled-down on that.
How long since the last one? 12 years since Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, but that one was a prequel; 22 years since 1983's Return of the Jedi, to which it is the first proper sequel.
he’s here, he’s there, he’s fucking vaporware
Well if the Boomers hadn’t aggressively fought paying basic damn taxes, unlike their parents and their grandparents, then those school loans would have been tiny (you know, like the Boomers got).
‘Millennials in [our] home buying years,’
Sunshine was incompetence porn. Just about every single dumb decision is compounded by people making even further dumb decisions.
“We can manuever the ships to park to the other one except we can’t get it closer at the moment we need to the most.”
“We only have enough oxygen for x ppl. Oh let’s not consider that we’re…
I find Troi (with an “i” not a “y”) wholly competent. She most likely was sensing the audience’s hostility toward Wesley.
Oh man, you’ve got Martian and Arrival, but I think Apollo 13 should be on the list too.
Whereas ST: Discovery is incompetence porn.
If people understood that the sources they are consuming are actively making them angrier and polarizing them, then they might choose to consume less of that.