Hmm... Seems drafty.
You refer to Costello’s music as pop? That’s....not what this is.
Jezebel Commenter On Jenny McCarthy Having A Radio Show: ‘Ick!’
My only problem with this is that if you’re getting paid, why not just follow the frickin’ list of 10 simple rules???
When your country decides to actually provide decent paid maternity leave, then perhaps we’ll talk. Till then....nope. You don’t get to whine about this.
I agree. Nobody is less charmed by children than me, but I am even less charmed (negative charmed!) by those people who pretend it’s a reasonable worldview to insist that children should be kept in their homes and away from polite society until they’re 17 and 4 months.
Oh for fuck’s sake. The attitude that you can’t go to someplace without your kid because it’s “professional” and that you need to have a babysitter or child-keeper at all times is anti-feminist to the core and supports notions that the only people who “deserve” to reproduce are the affluent.
He is the epitome of “bad boyfriend, awesome bar buddy.” Like, I could probably hang with him and laugh at his jokes as long as he never, ever tried to fuck one of my friends.
I don’t know, he looks like fun at least. And I would totally sleep with him.
From Wiki : Humanism is a philosophical and ethical stance that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings, individually and collectively, and generally prefers critical thinking and evidence (rationalism, empiricism) over established doctrine or faith (fideism).
You have violated my closet vag.
I love her response that her mother taught her better than that... her mother, Ann Richards, governor of Texas.
Stitches the rapper sounds like a character on Doc McStuffins.
One of my favorite Tumblr posts is someone saying something about how great it would be if they eventually made a picture about Leo’s life and the actor playing Leo won the Oscar for it.
Seriously. Bobby FYI: I’m never going to stop sucking up to you.
Gavin continued, “I’m never alone, I’m alone all the time, are you at one or do you lie, we live in a wheel where everyone steals, but when we rise it’s like strawberry fields,”
That would have been artistc genuis with young and beautiful in the background.