
That “average person” is minimum wage. Lets be realistic that that demographic should not be buying a new car at $40k, it’s used or something like a versa for sub $20k.

More importantly, it’s not a law congress passed, it’s a rule implemented by the FAA.

I don’t want to get all right wing grandpa here but man people really can’t take a joke these days.  Uber eats wasn’t wishing anyone dead. It’s a silly commercial. 

The infamous timing set from the Audi 4.2 V8....why?

This car is a diamond in the rough.

These “thinline” airplane seats are fine for short hop flights, but they are pretty hard and awful on anything longer than 2 hours.

Yeah, I imagine a lot of “do we have a pilot on board” calls if it ever goes 1 pilot because how many times has a pilot been incapacitated and needed backup? You probably never hear about it, but I bet it happens all the time. It doesn’t even need to be a full incapacitation, could be something like they get sick mid

1) Jalopnik writers: always baffled about when to use “its” versus “it’s”.

I’d observe that guardrails aren’t really designed to stop ANYTHING that’s heading straight at them at highway speeds. They are designed to keep cars traveling parallel to the rail from driving further off the road if they veer off course for some reason.

*Dealers shouldn’t be allowed to spec their cars

Look I’m as center left as the next guy but the amount of virtue signaling and just perceived nastiness and hostility in your writing...in almost every single article...makes me question who runs the joint at Jalopnik. They really need to fire you so you can go write for Huffington Post.  I’ll just read The Autopian. 

This is correct and I what I was trying to say is that if someone where to buy an EV that qualifies for the $7500 that individuals tax status may preclude them from the credit, whereas on a lease they would likely still get it as an up front cap cost reduction

I would harvest some of those and also some vespene gas in order to build a siege tank.

The irony of Jalopnik pointing out Porsche’s spelling error is delicious.

We’re going to have to get you a featured column called “Bradley’s Biffs” 

Honestly, it’s pretty bland. I’m sure it will be pretty cool and all, but these pics are just kind of boring

Do people mock track cars not on the track like they mock jeeps not always being off road? 

Brad has proven time and time again to not understand what he writes about.  

If you want to see some bad puns and poor animations,

A recent grad with a $60,000 budget”