Ok, So these are all owned by shell companies that are owned by other shell companies, right? So who’s to say that I don’t own one of these yachts...
Ok, So these are all owned by shell companies that are owned by other shell companies, right? So who’s to say that I don’t own one of these yachts...
And astonishingly incompetent - even the quality of Russian trolling is going down.
Sir, this is a Wendy’s.
The only thing different from being pulled over, and the cop walking back to his car to check your licence and papers is the scale. Ok, well, and the type of transportation mode.
Damn, the trolls are thick today.
1. They arent robbing anyone.
Concern trolling for the sake of Russian oligarchs is a new one.
The one on the other side is backwards.
I don’t actually think they are robbing them. They’re just holding all their assets for safe keeping. Like freezing all their bank accounts in other countries. The money is still there, it’s just that they can’t access it right now.
Are you and your company deeply tied to the leader of a regime who is invading a foreign country? Is your company the result of massive graft and you were able to purchase a state owned company for pennies on the dollar? Is your wealth tied to corruption and being best buds with a maniac with delusions of recreating…
All the CR-Z needed was a K20 from the factory with no hybrid system.
Top-tier clue trolling right there. 10/10
Honestly, Star Wars barely counts as sci-fi. Most of the “science” involves tech powered by magic crystals, the space warfare is just naval combat in space right down to the battles typically playing out in two dimensions and fighters acting like airplanes and not obeying the laws of momentum in zero G, and nowhere in…
I like the idea of some Star Wars superfans being unable to not answer the “It’s a ___” clue with “trap” and thinking that must mean that the correct answer to the other clue is “Star Trek.”
In my head, Discovery Channel’s “Street Outlaws” and “Fastest Cars Of The Dirty South” are the same show. One that I’ve never watched beyond a few minutes a couple times when I’ve been slow to change the channel. Stupid, noisy, chaotic...did I say stupid?
If a barbed-wire tattoo on a flabby white bicep were a TV show,…
Counting cars is pretty irritating for sure.
Pimp my ride was really an awful show, but I still watched it back in the day, so probably can’t say its the worst.
Personally I like the NA version of Top Gear, its not as good as the original of course, but its still a good show.
The one I can’t watch are “street” drag…
It may have been technically about motorcycles, but American Chopper has to be at the top of the list. It was the progenitor of every one of the terrible, formulaic, faux-reality, artificial-deadline-y, overdramatized custom car shop shows that followed, from American Hot Rod all the way to Counting Cars and every…
I bet that’s not even a real guitar he’s playing.
I’d say the car bra hit its peak sometime in the ‘80s. I don’t think I’d ever use one, but sometimes they can look cool.