
Yeah, I agree. The reality is that feminists - and all activists - can only tackle so many issues at a time. Focusing on college rape, when the intersection of poverty and sexual abuse, for women, children, LGBT folks, and of course minorities, is where so much more of the suffering is happening, leaves a bit of an

she is a polymath who is extremely adept at challenging our notions of space and time through her quiet, heavy music, and the way she interprets emotion. There's a depth of simplicity to her work, which encompasses all genres she embraces

She's an artist because her music is bad?

The basic human right of not being judged? WTF are you talking about?

No one in their right mind would accuse Jezebel - or anyone else for that matter - of being anti-semitic for publishing this story.

Equating this - disgusting as it is - is exactly what you're doing.

Yes, because somehow because of Palestine some French (mainly) Muslim people think it's ok terrorize, torture and kill Jews. France, the country of massive protests, also has the last real concentration of Jews in Europe, and they are fucking terrified. How dare you make that comparison.

Do you speak French? Did you ever live in France? If not, you cannot comment.

Totally. No one's going to movies because he's in them. I mean, Tom Cruise is no acting genius, but I bet people go see his movies for his name a long. This guy? Not so much.


Wow you're a sick SOB. You seem pretty obsessed with her.

This is how tons of women look where I come from. Maybe not typically white women, but all over. There is something insane - with weird racial undertones - to me that you think it's unnatural. I actually did some research, (ie googling her name plus plastic surgery) and there's no smoking gun. She looks just like

Oh really? I'm actually half jewish, brown on both sides. Believe me, I get both, both the Jewish shit and the dark skinned shit. You have no fucking idea. Seriously, fuck you, you anti-semitic troll. you have no clue how terrified French Jews are now. And don't bother to cover your anti-semitism with pseudo

A wave of Islamophobia - if it really exists - which relates directly to being slaughtered by Muslims. So fuck you.

I'm talking about how she looks, not who she is. And she looks like my sister, who is ethnic enough to be called names when she walks down the street in Amsterdam.

Some do, some don't in my experience, but that's why I said "look". She sure as hell looks Middle Eastern.

You are her plastic surgeon, I assume?

Oh, no, it's not. It's really not. A little girl being blown to bits by these monsters, with thousands more people, is not equivalent to some blowhards in Fox New saying racist shit. You need to get some perspective.

That's a really good point.

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