
How representative are the porn workers of the sex industry in general? The number of very poorly paid to $150 an hour sex workers represented probably reflects that of the population overall (ie 1 to 100), but we only ever see interviews/articles written by the $150 an hour type, not $5 a service type.

So your lividness is more important than your daughter’s happiness? You’re willing to expose her to all this? Have it on record that her skin color is a problem? Sorry. Still fucked up

I don’t buy that. People shoot other people in this country all the time and these commentators don’t go on and on saying “yes... but”. I’m coming to the conclusion that Gawker has been cultivating a culture almost as unhealthy as Republican media outlets. Maybe it’s time to leave.

Oh, for fuck’s sake. Enough with that. There’s no one opinion from sex workers. Some might be very privileged, making $100 an hour and enjoying it- no need to worry about those. They can’t possibly be the majority, given that the average wage for all workers in the United States is $25 and sex work requires no

You’re pretending to know the truth on a very complicated issue. De-criminalization hasn’t turned out all that well in the Netherlands, for example. This is a complicated issue and shouldn’t be argued from ideology, but from what works in different legal and cultural environments to better all sex workers, not just

Oh, this canard again. There are a gazillion sex workers, and all with different opinions. We keep on hearing from the $100 an hour ones located in New York, but they should not be driving the conversation. Pretending someone in the red district in Kolkatta really “chose her choice” is an appallingly cruel thing to do.

All women in a conservative muslim country chose sex work over the garment industry? And you have surveyed all these women in a 100 million person country? Really?

I used to be with you, but that’s not how it played out in Europe.

This is a pathetic article attempting to stifle an important debate. Shame on you.

“I’m not a racist, but...”

I didn’t read it like that at all. I thought that the whole thread was reflective of knee jerk political reaction- limiting abortion is the real cuprit, etc. etc.- so much so that most commentators were blinded to the fact that we are talking of child murder. Her comment was a much needed slap in the face.

You know, your comment really provides insight into how ideas get corrupted. I always wondered how the incredible ideals behind communism resulted in tens of millions dead and in gulags. Reading your self righteous obliviousness to everything that’s wrong or right in the name of “non judgement” is really eye opening.

She would have had a million options, legal or not, other than killing the baby. This is bullshit.

There’s always a gap between who people say they’ll date and who they actually date. If they meet you and you’re awesome and responsible, they’ll probably be able to put the debt in context.

That’s.... tough. What if someone had an abusive childhood? A sever illness? All of those things can mean you can be in your thirties and not financially solvent yet. Some people have harder lives than others.

Oh, for fuck’s sake, it was first and foremost sad for the baby.

The fact that people’s instinct here is to first think about the mother rather than the baby is telling though, no?

I know. A child died. And there must be tens of thousands of girls in her position, conservative Christian, etc. who do not make the same choices so tying it to policy is horrendous. The fact that most posters here seem to feel first and foremost for the “mother” and only then for the baby is probably why children’s

My friend and I both with auto immune illnesses, can’t really function when it’s warm. So it’s not like there’s a single universal perfect temperature for all health conditions. That said, 77 degrees sounds reasonable.

This lady is appalling, but I suggest you open a history book about Russia in the last few hundred years - the vast majority of Russians have lived under terrible oppression for a very long time. Slavery of Russians by Russians was only banned the 18th century, and serfdom for hundreds of years following that - hence