
I realize her personality may be, say, LACKING, but I love seeing someone with such a strong Middle Eastern look on the cover of another magazine. Yeah short non-white non-skinny girls with hips and boobs!
Also, she should stop it with the makeup. She's actually even more stunning without it.

I'm not saying that one life isn't equal another, but there's a reason INTENT is important in all legal systems, and there's a reason why genocide is a thing. There's a genocide going on against the remaining non-Muslim populations of the Middle East (bar Jews) in the greater Syria. That's what the world needs to

She was and is unbelievably beautiful, but I strongly believe that part of the fact that she still has a career (obviously, she's insanely talented) when other actresses her age do not is that her looks are very sophisticated, not classical bomb-shell. People can take her seriously as an older woman in a way they

Seriously, she's like unspeakably stunning. I remember the first time I saw Manhattan - my jaw dropped she was so beautiful.

Honestly, I think in real life, women whose beauty is more "sophisticated", like Meryl Streep, have it better than women who are stereotypically feminine like Jessica Lang. I won't be surprised if that's part of the story of their differing career paths, especially once women hit middle age.


Look, not being white myself, I don't like white people telling me what to do as anymore than anyone else I know. But Muslims and Christians have been fighting each other for over 1,000 years, with the Muslims generally winning - hell, the Middle East is only Muslim because they won - it's not at all the same power

I'm not using a sectarian card and don't insinuate that I am. That's insulting. But there are 1.4 billion Muslims in the world, and only a couple of hundred thousand Yezidis. I tend to emphathize more with the powerless. While it's important not to suggest that all Muslims are ISIS, or even that all Sunis are ISIS,

Did she talk about French Jews and what's been happening to us?

But my point is that is entirely appropriate, in the case of ISIS, or the recent attacks in France, against secularism/Jews, to focus on the non-Muslim victims. It is very different, of course, in the case of Boko Haram.

Did you read the survey? OF COURSE lots of French Christians are anti-semitic - including relatives of those who married into my family. And OF COURSE not all Muslims are anti-semitic. But the survey suggests that Muslims are far more likely to be anti-semitic that Christians in France.

Oh, come on. The Shia/Suni rift is as ancient as Islam itself, and the Shia have a lot of support from Iran and their proxy, Hizbullah. What is happening to the Christians and Yazidi people, far more ancient than the Muslims, is horrific and might spell the end of some of these people in the Middle East. If Jews

And here's some data to back my personal experiences:

Actually, and sadly, most Muslims in France are anti-semitic, according to this survey:

I think there is a role for certain moderate Muslims. I'll give you an example from a sphere I know well. First of all, as a Moroccan/Israeli/French/NY Jew, let me tell you that there is A LOT of socially accepted anti-semitism in France amongst Muslims against Jews. And of the most vicious kind - Jews control the

Fox news may not report it, but it's all over the news in Israel.

How is what Bill Maher says different from what Salman Rushdie says? I don't endorse his style, but there's more nuance to what he says than people give him credit for. He is not FOX NEWS, and if you think he is, you are being as crude as you accuse him of being.

Are you counting Shiites in those numbers? Because you shouldn't, really. As far as ISIS are concerned they are not real Muslims.

It's true that there's plenty of anti-semitism in France from French people, my family is French-Jewish, but only Muslims have been murdering Jews in recent years.

First of all, this guy is amazingly brave, and good for him. And I certainly don't want to buy into the pile on on Muslims right now.